Monday, August 28, 2006
Let capture you by My Love, and you will be free from him who is without any Love and who seeks therefore to deprive you also of My Love when you are his slaves. My Love indeed winds a solid band around you; it chains you in a way to Me. However, you will support these fetters with joy and happiness, and will not want to loosen them. You will devote yourself to Me, as your God and Lord, but you will also recognize in Me the Father to Whom you rush to meet and to show Me also your Love.
The chain of My Love does not constrict you; you will not leave Me in Eternity, but you are completely free Creatures; you are My children who inherit the goods of the Father and therefore act and Create with Me and are Blissful. Because I do not tie the band of My Love against your will, I wait until you yourself are ready to be bound, until you surge forwards to Me, and thus I lay hold of you and never let you go again.
In order that you want to be devoted to me now and ever-more, I speak to you because I want you to learn to recognize Me as your God and Father, Whose Love was yours from the earliest beginning, and that you recognize Me as Love. Because you have to know Me beforehand in order to long for Me. And I give Light to you, because within you it is still dark. I am yet so hidden for your eyes, so that you are not able to recognize Me. And therefore, you have no desire to unite yourself with Me until your eyes become aware of a gentle radiation that issues from Me and falls soothingly into your heart. And then you open your heart to Me and want Me to enter. Then you long already for My Nearness and then you will do everything to keep Me, and then are you also received by My Love that keeps you then captive. You are happy and you do not ever want to leave Me.
Let Me hold you with My Love and you are already blissful Creatures on Earth. Enter consciously into union with Me and you will free yourself from the enemy of your soul, who cannot follow you when you seek My Nearness. Think that the longing for Me already makes you free because then I Myself can come closer to you, and where I am, My opponent flees.
Throw away an oppressing chain and you will submit with pleasure to My Might, and let you bind voluntarily and be pleased in that captivity, because in My Love you will be eternally happy.