Friday, March 31, 2006




Great is the power of him who wants to ruin you, but only when you yourselves cede it to him; because if you face him off and turn to Me, My love-light shall encircle you, making him utterly powerless. Because he is not able to withstand love, which also once shall defeat him when his time has come.

Satan indeed perpetually strives to draw under his spell that which has gone forth from his will but from My power, in order to make it subject to himself forever; and hence he will pressurize to the extreme that which he fears to lose, - that which voluntarily wrests itself away form him, - that which strives towards Me in order to be united with Me forever.

He will spare no means to work on this spiritual, he will cause confusion wherever he can, being always present where people conglomerate, trying to couple up with their thoughts, to transfer his will to them, in spite of realizing that he has lost the power over such spiritual. He nevertheless confronts Me as an adversary, because his ambition is great enough for the delusion that his power can not be broken. - He does recognize in love indeed the weapon that wounds him, and he hence flees same wherever it crosses his path, and he stirs up antagonism at the slightest opportunity. He senses that his power is diminishing, yet will not let himself be vanquished.

Hence his action often is unmistakable, because he always employs ways of creating enmity among those devoted to each other, or creating confusion where there is clarity; and the fault is to be find among men themselves who through small unkindness lend Satan a finger, whereupon he then tries to grab the hand, i.e. spur people into ever greater unlovingness.

He has great power, but only where conceded to him - because you men do not apply the weapon that causes his impotence - you do not practice love sufficiently; because your self-love is still too strong, giving him a welcome opportunity. You then do not recognize him crossing your path: your eyesight then is feeble and you see him as friend and trust him. - He is not your friend for as long as he is My enemy, and he is My enemy so long as he is bereft of all love. Then he is to be feared. If you are yourselves without love then you are his, and still far from Me. But if the love-spark has been kindled in you, then you yourselves loosen the fetters that bond you; then you change masters, then you are conjoining with Me, and then he has lost all power over you. For this reason those of you who have become Mine by free will, which seeks Me out and repels him, need not fear him.

Then he no longer can harm you, but you can even help him, by heaping glowing embers over his head - by extending your love even to those hostile to you, by returning good for evil. Because he then had to acknowledge that you have deified yourselves that you stand above him in brightest light and measureless power.

Because when a being has grown over his head, he senses its power and mentally surrenders it, i.e. it shall no longer be harassed by him because unreachable for him when united with Me.

The way to the Father's heart is passable to all, and the fetters that bond them can be loosened by all men through love, which at once is released and the means to unification that makes you My children, who shall everlastingly enjoy His return of love and therefore be eternally blissful.


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