Sunday, August 31, 2008
I expect from you, my servants, a restless commitment for Me an My kingdom, because of the requirement of the spiritual necessity of man. Just a short time is parting all of you of the last end, and what can happen to the saving of soles that should still be done, for the earth again will take in and absorb all, what failed as man, and it is a terrible lot, which I would like to spare any of you humans from. But you yourself will make the last decision with your free will. I for Myself can do nothing further but by continuously addressing you with My warnings, and everyone who gives Me support in this direction, will be blessed by Me. Thus shall be the continuous mentioning of the near end inclusive, that I beforehand will obviously express Myself through a grand nature event…. my last admonition is, once I speak to man who will not hear my words through the elements of nature….But this language can not be overheard, for man will stand horrified before an incomprehensible grand nature event, and no man will be spared in so far as, everywhere man lives the news will penetrate, that every individual personally feels spoken to, because he himself could be hit by the same event in his own home land ….for man will fear a repetition and therefore will have to be ready for a sudden demise (death).
Much sorrow and misery will have to pass over this earth, but yet it is only a remedy, which I apply out of love, to save the soles from destruction, from the horrible lot of captivity anew on this earth. But humans that will be hit by the nature events, those humans being its victims are not mercilessly given up to their fate….because of their premature ending of the life on earth. they will be granted a mercy care in the beyond….They still will have the opportunity to climb in the heights; they have the chance to come to the light in the beyond, which they disregarded on earth….They don't have to fear the captivity anew….unless they are to stubborn, that they are sinking into the depths as true devils, incorrigible and therefore would have not changed for the better while still alive on earth. And also the effect onto the humans from the nature event will be different, then again people will turn to Me in fear and as a result of the experienced rescue, will preserve to Me loyalty, where as the opposite will become obvious in the fall away from Me, because one will not let stand the "God of Love", who let happen such an event of destruction….for their dark spiritual position will not find an other explanation for that event.
But such a clear voice must sound from above, whether it will be recognized as My voice or not, for it is going with gigantic steps towards the end, even though only a few soles in trouble will find My way, it still will be of some gain, hence they are spared the long road through the creation of the earth, but can enter the kingdom beyond, in which they too can reach an ascent, which would have been questionable on the earth….on the other hand it would have led with grate probability towards the depth (or would have strived towards the depth.)
And I have to, lay it all before you, my servants. For you shall be forearmed, and you shall learn to watch the happenings around you from this side, and you shall dedicate yourself totally to Me and as my tools be continuously effective in My will….You should drop all your earthly thoughts, every….even the smallest….worry hand over to Me….you must totally absorb yourself in your vineyard work, however always pay attention to My inner instructions. But over eagerness is causing harm, where wisdom promotes all success and wisdom is always carried over to you, if you totally enter in my will, if you are only the executors of My will, and I know, that you, My servants, take your task serious, and that is why you continuously receive these directions, which you will feel in your hearts as My loving speech, to which you therefore will respond to, for the well being of your fellow man.
Oh if man would only know, what is about to happen to them….But they refuse to believe it, while it will be foretold to them, through the mouth of My prophets….And they can not be forced to believe. But the day is continuously moving closer, which will cause a total change to the living standard….and blessed, who will call on Me in extreme distress, for I will hear him and hear his plea, thus he won't be lost for ever….
BD 8002
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
It can be unhesitatingly stated that the earth will be afflicted by powerful natural disasters; indeed, these catastrophes should even be mentioned so that people will know that the respective events are not determined by coincidences. There is no such thing as a coincidence, everything is predetermined, and everything takes the path of higher development. And the forthcoming natural disaster will release countless beings and provide them with opportunities for new forms. At the same time, however the disasters are intended to affect people such that they will look for a connection with God.
People only consider the latter very rarely now, this is why God wants to bring Himself closer to them again if only by means which cause fear and terror in people; but if events are proclaimed in advance a person will recognise the correlations and then entrust himself to the Power Which is able to help him. The forces of nature are the only means which can shake up the most unbelieving person and lead him back to faith. Yet they never last long and likewise the will to believe only lasts for as long as a person is in danger of losing his life.
However, the eternal Deity will never intervene with anyone such that a person is forced to believe.... Even in greatest physical adversity He will allow him his freedom. He certainly fights for the still imperfect souls but He does not compel them. And therefore natural disasters will also have to occur within some conformity to law, they just happen more or less violently depending on the necessity for those endangered people who lack correct realisation. And for that reason they shall be informed of the forthcoming events….
Humankind shall become utterly helpless and with childlike trust call upon God for assistance; prior to this it shall already be informed of the dreadful time it is approaching, and if it is only of weak faith all announcements will be accepted with indifference since it will most likely assume that the announced event will not happen. And yet, people will remember it if their body and soul are in peril. And this is intended, for as horrendous as the effects of a natural disaster might be it always entails a shock to human thinking and this can also have a beneficial effect on people's faith, providing they had received the knowledge beforehand.
For the whole of humanity is facing a turning point of life. And blessed is he who recognises God's will in everything sent. Then he will truly not be able to behave differently than according to His will and only ever see the great adversity of his fellow human beings and look at the disaster as a means which can ease this hardship…. And this disaster is imminent.... it will come like a thief in the night…. And it will just as quickly be over again, yet the result will be inconceivable…. Amen
BD 2086
Revelations from God in regard to Mar 13:25
"And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken."
Autobiography of Bertha Dudde
Friday, August 29, 2008
There are things which the human being is unable to explain to himself and which he therefore rejects as an unsolvable problem. He is not inquisitive and thus does not ponder them either, and since his will does not aspire to solve such things they will also remain inexplicable to him. However, what appears to be unexplainable cannot just be dismissed as 'non-existent' or be thrown into the field of fraud or sorcery due to lack of evidence. This particularly applies to all mystical phenomena which cannot be solved by human intellect alone and which are therefore unhesitatingly dismissed as a deliberate attempt of deception or a person's morbid plan.
Mystic phenomena can only be explained by mystics, i.e. only the spiritually aspiring human being can penetrate spiritual spheres. People's mere intellectual ability will never be able to lift the veil, and therefore they will also try to destroy other people's belief in spiritual matters, in spiritual activity. And this is what they will then call enlightenment and will thus be concealing what the human being should recognise as most important…. the working of the spiritual beings in the beyond who want to provide people with the evidence that life after death on earth is not over….
O world of unbelievers and scorners....
Where a visible sign is offered to you, you try to refute it, and you are thereby refusing the spiritual beings' access to you. With your wisdom and actions you intend to destroy the activity of these beings. It is more pleasing to you to ridicule the spiritual aspirations of profoundly thinking people in the eyes of the world, and are effectively locking your own entrance to the kingdom which is sending signs to people in order to make their recognition easier.
And the working of negative forces can be clearly seen in people who, with absolute conviction, deny everything of a spiritual or supernatural nature. They speak on behalf of the opponent because he wants to destroy people's belief in the continuation of life after death, in eternal life and the hour of accountability. And people support his will instantly and do not shy away from surrendering their faith, thus merely affirming what they can touch or feel but denying everything that appears to be supernatural. How highly the human being values his intellect.... and how little he will achieve with it if God Himself does not stand by him and guide him into enlightenment.
Yet on the other hand, human intellect is decisive for humanity.... It unconditionally accepts what it is intellectually presented with. It frequently and without hesitation surrenders its acquired spiritual truths, because God's adversary knows how to show his superiority by using convincing words. Hence he will find willing listeners everywhere, because the world prefers to hear that life after bodily death has come to an end. And it will therefore readily agree when expressions from the spiritual world are described as imagination, fraud or error and are therefore completely dismissed…. Amen
BD 1815
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
The human soul is the unification of countless soul-substances which are assembly points for spiritual strength, i.e. which are receptacles for the spirit of God. Each one of these countless substances was previously embodied somewhere else, that is, enclosed in an outer form for the purpose of the spirit's higher development and for the prospect of later unification with an equal substance. Hence each single substance of the human soul has passed though every work of creation and has, so to speak, matured for its last embodiment on earth. The soul always assumes the same shape as its surrounding outer shape… If a person with spiritual vision would contemplate the human soul in its composition he would be presented with an incredibly charming and varied picture.
This work of God's creation, invisible to human beings, is beyond description, both in its structure as well as in its usefulness. But a description of the formation of the soul would only confuse human thought for he cannot understand the countless miracles within the human body. What human beings understand to be 'soul' is all of creation in miniature. The soul is the innermost part of the human being and includes the whole of creation… intended to become enlightened during its life on earth and in glorification of God to enjoy the delights of heaven.
The soul has the divine spirit within itself. Although the original substance of the soul is also spirit in all its phases of evolution… the divine spark of spirit is placed into the incarnating soul of the human being by God Himself … He instils His breath into the human being… He places the divine into him and gives the soul the task to chose between the divine and the human during its last existence on earth. If the soul… the spirit out of God which at one time had opposed God … is now willing to unite with the divine spirit, the transformation of what was once far away from God begins and the human soul becomes enlightened. The unity of the human soul with the divine spirit occurs when the soul steadfastly overcomes all human desires, which, for the purpose of testing and for strengthening of the will, cling to the human body as temptation… when it resists all that the body as such requires and willingly submits to the requirements of the divine spirit.
Then the soul finally surrenders its former resistance to God. It chooses God, it is no longer in conscious opposition to the divine and accepts the emission of love, the strength, to increase the spirit within itself, to bring about the unity of the spirit within itself with the spirit outside of itself, and thus consciously strives to draw closer to God. If, however, the body's desire dominates then the divine spark of spirit stays dormant and completely buried deep within the human being, it cannot emit light and the soul dwells in utter darkness. Its earthly life goes by without the smallest accomplishment; the spirit within is condemned to stagnate, its earthly process is not a path towards higher development but a time of standstill or even regression. The divine spark of spirit in the human being had been ignored and therefore could not manifest itself. The strength of divine love could not flow into the being and, as a result, the unity with the spirit of the eternal Father could not take place either. The soul takes this lightless state, which it had chosen for itself on earth, across into eternity and there, with endless pain of regret, contemplates the wasted time on earth and now has to struggle far more strenuously to improve its situation... Amen
BD 1618
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
People pay no attention to the various undercurrents which express themselves as different moods and thus don't know that even these currents are not by chance either, that people's disposition is therefore merely the result of their attitude towards God or the opposing power. Especially the person suffering such moods is visibly seized by God's love, for God takes care of a person who is in danger of forgetting Him by influencing his temperament, spoiling his joy of life and allowing him to be seized by overall despondency. And in many instances this is incredibly beneficial, for only at times like this will the human being's thoughts turn to his Creator; only when all worldly things have lost their value will the human being remember his real purpose.
Hence people have to experience days of inner struggle, days when they become aware of the irrelevance of earthly pleasure. The cause of this does not always have to be actual hardship and suffering, a person's gloomy mood can arise within himself for no external reason. And this is the influence of the beings to whom people are entrusted and who are concerned about their soul's salvation and anxiously guard every movement of the human heart.
There is a serious risk that a person will use all his strength in coping with the demands of earthly life; then they will intervene by strongly inhibiting his desire for activity, his pleasure of earthly life, and the person will consequently feel depressed. And it is good if the human being allows himself to be influenced by this…. if times like that result in hours of inner reflection they will not have come to the human being in vain. Yet not all people listen to this inner admonition..... Very many try to stifle their emotions in increased pleasure and succeed, precisely because their will is mainly focussed on earthly life and they carelessly take no notice of such moods, they only aim to restore the old state of inner satisfaction. The human being should not complain if he experiences days in his life which appear difficult and unbearable and which are purely caused by his emotional life.
The love of God is very close to them, and such hours are simply a way of help by friends in the beyond wanting to stop the person losing himself in earthly gratification. Everything on earth which seems as if the human being has to go short is always just the merciful evidence of divine love, which can only use this means to direct a person onto the right path, onto the path which will lead him to eternal glory and fully compensate the earthly child for everything it had to miss out on or give up on earth. For earthly pleasures will cease to exist yet eternal glories remain forever, and these alone should be desired on earth…. Amen
BD 1602
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The hour of death has become the subject of insurmountable fear for many people, they are anxious and afraid of every thought of it, and this is always a sign of insufficient maturity of soul. The soul unconsciously recognises its deficient condition and perceives that the death of the body is the end of its earthly existence … it intuitively senses that it has not made the best use of its earthly life, hence the human being finds the thought of death frightening. The uncertainty after death disturbs him, he is full of doubt about life after death yet he is not entirely convinced that his life is finally over either. And precisely this uncertainty about the 'afterwards' makes him anxious about the hour of separation from this world. The more mature a human being is the less he is affected by the thought of death, the reason for this rests in the realisation that the real life does not start until after the death of the body. Prerequisite for entering the spheres of light is the ability to surrender the earthly life with an easy heart as then the human being is no longer attached to earthly possession, he has overcome matter…
Everything the human being leaves behind on earth are earthly possessions which should no longer be desired but gladly and joyfully abandoned. Everything the human being holds dear on earth he should be able to give up with an easy heart, then his departure from the world is easy. There should be nothing to hold a person back or the release from earth would always be a fight. Consequently every desire should be overcome at an early stage so that death can approach the human being at any hour and never take him by surprise. Equally decisive for the physical ending of the human being is the will for God because anyone who longs for God is happy when his earthly life comes to an end. Spiritually he is already in those spheres and just yearns for the hour which finally takes him where the spirit wants to go, to his true home. Hence the hour of death can mean anxiety, fear and horror for one person, while for the other it can be the granting of what he had long dreamt of and hoped for. It is the release from every form for him, it denotes his entrance into the eternal kingdom, into everlasting glory…
What the human being regards as death can be his entrance into eternal life if he has lived life consciously, i.e. with God, and is therefore mature for life in eternity… However, it can also really signify death, the soul senses this and fears the hour that will inevitably come when the time of earthly life, which God has designated for the human being, is concluded. Every human being should therefore think of the hour of his death and in view of it live his earthly life consciously, i.e. to improve his soul that it may achieve the degree of maturity which guarantees an easy and painless passing over from earth into the eternal kingdom… Amen
BD 1798
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Monday, August 25, 2008
You are unable to revoke the divine laws but you can act against them.... Yet the latter will never be beneficial for you, for only the human being living within divine order is fulfilling God's will, and only this person can become perfect as long as he lives on earth. But to obey divine order means to live a life of love, for love is divine law…. Love is God Himself, Who is the most perfect Being in infinity. Thus, without love there cannot be perfection, and since bliss and perfection belong together, no human being can be blissfully happy without love.
But people can also ignore this law, and this was done by the beings when they deserted God and plunged into the abyss…. thus they had acted against divine order but were nevertheless unable to repeal love itself…. they just were no longer able to stay within the cycle of this love and therefore they remained without love themselves…. Their will turned against the divine law, their will rejected God's illumination of love, that is, they stepped out of the divine order, they became heartless themselves and thereby also violated divine law….
They fell into sin.... for everything which opposes love is sin and therefore also opposes God Himself. And the logical result of the apostasy from God was therefore an unhappy state, because the being absolutely has to live in divine order if it wants to be happy, that is, it constantly must be able to receive and give love, for love is the fundamental law of eternity, which is and forever will remain the first divine law.
You humans can enter into the divine order again at any time if you make love the basic principle of your lives, if you only ever allow your thoughts and actions be determined by love…. Then the past state of blissful happiness will soon be granted to you again, for then you will live according to divine law, then you will fulfil God's will, and then you will also unite yourselves again with the Lawmaker of eternity, with God, Who is love Himself. And your character will be the same as it was in the beginning.... God's emanated strength of love, which is now forever merged with God, but as an individually self-aware being it is able to enjoy the inconceivable happiness which it is given by the Eternal Love Itself.
If the being contravenes the divine order it will only ever harm itself but never be able to revoke the eternal law. It will only ever get into a wretched state from which it can only be released if it is willing and makes the effort to enter into divine order again. And this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life, for the soul…. the once fallen being…. at the start of its embodiment as a human being is not within this order, but always outside of it. However, it can attain the state, it can completely submit itself to divine order again, and the soul can completely change itself to love and also have submitted itself to divine order. And then the being will be happy again as it was in the beginning, for if it is love in itself it will also correspond to God's fundamental nature and unite itself again with Him, from Whom it once had originated…. Amen
BD 7642
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
Believe Me, I will gladly instruct you when I recognise your longing for truthful knowledge, because I only emanate light and this light permeates the darkness…. However, you are still in an area of darkness where light has to be sent to you until you are so filled by it that you can also pass it on again yourselves.... But you are receptive for My ray of light as soon as you desire clarification about regions which are still in darkness to you…. Then I can illuminate you, I can once again gradually return you to the state of enlightenment and introduce you to knowledge which will make you happy. And there shall be light in you, you shall know where you came from and your final goal on earth.... You can only receive this knowledge from Me Myself, Who created you for My pleasure….
You came forth from Me Myself.... My strength of love externalised living creations who were like Me Myself, who were independent beings…. created by Me as miniatures of Myself. I gave life to these creations, i.e. they were able to create and work like Me, they were also able to hear My voice and therefore knew of Me Myself as their God and Creator, and they were faithfully devoted to Me and tremendously happy…. But you humans know little or nothing about the kingdom of these once blissful spirits…. This kingdom was originally created when I wanted to recognise Myself in images of Myself, when I created vessels into which I could pour My love.....
I created spiritual beings because My infinite love wanted to give itself, it wanted to flow into similar beings whose perfection gave Me unimaginable bliss…. I created a spiritual world with living inhabitants for My delight, I populated it with creations of the most magnificent kind and rejoiced in the beings' bliss, to whom I gave such happiness because love, which was and remains My fundamental nature, motivated Me to do so….
This spiritual world existed for an infinitely long time in harmony and most intimate unity of all beings with Me, their Creator and Provider…. For an infinitely long time these beings' will and love concurred with Mine…. Because the first created being, which I Myself had externalised in complete perfection, loved Me deeply and devotedly. It found unlimited bliss by constantly creating new beings brought to life through his will and the use of My strength …. which corresponded to My will, because the love this being felt for Me resulted in the same will.
Consequently, there was no discord in the spiritual world, nothing contradicted My will, it was a world of unlimited happiness because all spiritual beings were teeming with light and strength and were able to create by using their own will…. which was also My will as long as the strength of My love permeated all My living creations…. But this perfect state did not last.... For I did not constrain the spiritual beings by My will, I gave free will to every single being as a sign of its divinity….
The first created being.... Lucifer.... also had this free will.... and he misused it…. However, Lucifer voluntarily could have wanted the same as I Myself and he would have been infinitely happy and remained so forever…. But he misused his freedom of will and directed it wrongly, which resulted in a spiritual rebellion the consequences of which you humans cannot possibly understand. Nevertheless, you humans are the products of this past spiritual rebellion....
Lucifer, the first created being, with whom I was in constant contact through the Word, was able to think, as were all created beings, and therefore he was also able to infer a wrong meaning to My Word…. He had free will and could therefore also change the direction of his mind. He was able to leave the law of eternal order and set up completely wrong concepts and, by doing so, caused mental confusion in himself as well as in the beings who followed him, which resulted in momentous consequences.… He also transferred his wrong thoughts to the beings brought to life by his will and the use of My strength…. A general opposition to Me ensued, the beings resisted Me, they no longer accepted My illumination of love unreservedly and thereby grew weaker and darker…. They revolted against the law of eternal order, their thoughts made their own way….
This resulted in an incredible chaos in the host of the first created spirits who then had to decide whom they should follow.... which resulted in the desertion of countless beings from Me. However, I did not put to a stop to it, I only saw in it a means which would lead to even greater bliss than I could give the 'created' beings…. who certainly had emanated from Me in all perfection but who nevertheless were always just My 'work'….
Now, after the apostasy from Me, they had the opportunity to return again as 'children' which would heighten their bliss by far, because the return to Me as a 'child' has to be achieved entirely voluntarily but then the being is completely independent from Me, My power and My will, yet it will exist totally within My will since, due to its perfection, it has totally accepted My will…. You humans are on this way of return to Me while you live on this earth, and if you are of good will My eternal light of love can permeate you once again, and all the knowledge you once possessed but voluntarily surrendered can be regained by you….
And I know of no greater bliss than to give you this knowledge, than to offer you My immense love and to change your state of darkness and ignorance, so that you will become as you were in the beginning, so that you will achieve unlimited happiness again, so that you will reach your goal and return as true children to Me, your Father of eternity, Whose love is and eternally will be for you who once came forth from His love…. Amen
BD 8566
Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1
0182 Reminder to endure.... Spiritual knowledge....
0373 Purpose of suffering - Trials.... Lethargy of the spirit....
0801 Spiritual chaos.... World conflagration.... Messiah.... The forerunner of the Lord....
1095 Spiritual disintegration.... Raging of the elements.... Fertile ground....
1107 New spiritual kingdom.... Prophet.... New human race....
1464 The spirit of heartlessness.... Divine intervention....
1469 Perfect spiritual order.... Disorder....
1618 The soul.... The spiritual spark in the human being....
1748 Spiritual change.... Professing Jesus Christ…
1750 Establishing spiritual contacts on earth.... Help from the beings in the beyond....
2105 Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength....
2301 Battle for spiritual supremacy....
2412 Spiritual coercion.... Human commandments.... Fighting the teaching of Christ....
2494 Matter and Spirit....
2521 Notice of an event.... Spiritual transformation.... (Rome?)
2874 Delusions.... Spiritual working group....
2878 Knowledge of the spirit's work in a person.... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself....
3204 Total change earthly and spiritually....
3205 Unification of spirit and soul.... Rebirth....
3316 Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom....
3391 Incarnated beings of light.... Mission of spiritual leaders....
3593 The spiritual and material world oppose each other....
3612 Consciously listening within.... The voice of the spirit....
3615 Conditions for the working of the spirit....
3628 Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom....
3670 Spiritual creations.... Beatitude.... `Eye hath not seen....'
3700 Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom....
3701 God's spiritual and physical care for His Own....
3704 Spiritual rebirth....
3732 Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit....
3735 Spiritual meaning of the Word....
3743 Spiritual redemption is the only purpose....
3745 The spirit of truth....
3801 Direction of will determines the influence of spiritual powers....
3805 Spiritual low level.... The end of a salvation period....
3943 God's creative will.... Spiritual and earthly creations....
3981 Beings of light are people's spiritual guardians....
4125 Last Judgment.... Spiritualisation of earth....
4143 Process of imparting the divine Word.... Spirit - Soul - Body….
4325 Significance of the spirit's voice.... Close to the goal....
4379 Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh - blood....
4455 Gathering spiritual treasures on earth.... Regret in the beyond....
4520 Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the divine Word....
4533 Spiritual turning-point.... Total transformation of earth....
4620 The working of the spirit in the wakeful state.... Evidence: reasons….
4624 Spiritual concentration before acceptance.... Strict self-criticism....
4746 Prayer in spirit and in truth....
4747 Sign of the near end: spiritual decline.... Apparent state of peace....
4757 Body, soul and spirit.... Explanation....
4775 Voice of the spirit is truth.... Jesus Christ's teaching.... Inner voice....
4777 New banishment of the spirits.... Salvation in one era....
4842 True disciples.... Working of the spirit.... `Why' misguided teachings....
4872 Prayer in spirit and in truth....
4875 Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed banishment....
4971 Examining deviating spiritual information.... (Spiritualism?)
4993 Spiritual coercion.... Dogma....
5015 Spiritual action....
5026 Spiritual influences, questions - truth....
5069 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Pious gestures....
5072 Overcoming matter.... Awakening of the spirit....
5102 School of the spirit....
5135 Spiritual reception or mental work?.... Serious scrutiny….
5174 Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the spirit....
5269 Life energy - Spiritual energy....
5314 Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom....
5465 Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure Gospel....
5487 Desire for light in the beyond.... Spiritual conversations....
5503 Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures....
5554 The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond....
5565 Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity.... Free will....
5630 Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth....
5640 The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus....
5701 `Test the spirits....' False Christs and prophets....
5750 Earth - School for the spirit.... Means to an end.... An end in itself....
5754 Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts....
5760 Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit....
5766 The urging of the spirit.... Discontentment....
5796 Overcoming matter.... Spiritual kingdom....
5802 Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting the form....
5823 Help in earthly and spiritual adversity.... Reciprocated love….
5864 The spirit of God works where He wants....
5922 The Word from above.... Outpouring of the spirit....
6013a Various gifts of the spirit....
6013b Speaking in tongues.... Warning against wrong spirit....
6065 Earthly and spiritual issues.... Inhabitants of other planets (flying saucers)
6210 Explanation about 'spiritual spark' and 'soul'....
6241 Gifts of the spirit.... Conditions....
6250 Spiritual turning point.... The approach of night....
6391 Spiritual information without material gain....
6417 The spiritual low level has been reached....
6529 Spiritual and earthly change close at hand....
6551 Striving for spiritual gifts.... Characteristic of the church of Christ....
6575 Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit.... Jesus....
6587 Prophetic gift.... A spiritual gift which demands action....
6633 Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means....
6636 Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides....
6637 Fear of dying.... Beholding the spiritual kingdom before death....
6682 Contact with the spiritual kingdom....
6967 Spiritual coercion....
6985 Jesus' spiritual mission....
7072 The true church.... Sects.... Working of the spirit....
7082 Fall of the spirits.... Faculty of thought.... Lucifer's fall....
7203 Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance....
7255 Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin....
7327 The blessing of spiritual work....
7428 Knowledge through study or through the spirit....
7470 Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm....
7501 `I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh....'
7569 Self-awareness of the original spirit....
7571 Development of the soul.... Original spirit....
7581 Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth....
7584 Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God's support....
7611 Separation of the spirits.... The end of an earthly period....
7691 The spirits' and the adversary's resistance....
7699 The spirits' process of development....
7703 Gifts of the spirit....
7730 Spiritual superiority is not spiritual arrogance....
7802 Matter is consolidated spiritual strength....
7803 Spiritual pride and its danger....
7810 Low spiritual level....
7822 Prerequisite for the 'outpouring of the spirit'....
7828 God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus....
7829 `Work of the spirit' and the work of the spirit world....
8017 Low spiritual level.... Test of faith.... Battle.... Rapture....
8026 Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration....
8060 Promise: 'The outpouring of the spirit....'
8098 God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship....
8207 Incarnated beings of light.... The working of the spirit - Channeled communications....
8216 The transformation of the original spirit into creations....
8220 Testing the spirits.... The adversary's activity during the last days....
8228 Test the spirits....
8254 Understanding the working of the spirit....
8292 Contact with the world of light or the world of immature spirits....
8325 True servants of God.... Instituted words.... Working of the spirit....
8337 Examination of spiritual 'receptions' ....
8341 Introduction to spiritual knowledge....
8364 The human being's duty is to scrutinise spiritual information....
8397 Spiritual state before the crucifixion.... Book of Books….
8416 Difference between the 'working of the spirit' and 'psychic' receptions....
8427 People's low spiritual state necessitates an end....
8510 Re-transformation into love.... Spiritual spark.... Outpouring of the spirit....
8516 The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun.... (Pentecost)
8593 Suffering spiritualises soul and body....
8633 People don't know about their immense spiritual hardship....
8674 Calling upon the `Holy Spirit'....
8712 Spiritual low level.... Lovelessness.... Selfish love....
8838 Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind.... Diversity of stars....
8842 Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....
8877 Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It is indisputably better to confess before the world to belong to the
Therefore, where Jesus Christ is rejected there is evidence of the human beings' unbelief and such people belong to the world which openly opposes Jesus Christ. And the world will demand to reject Him completely, it wants His name no longer mentioned, it wants to erase all memory of Him and raise subsequent generations in ignorance; it wants to destroy everything that refers to Him and thereby suppress the knowledge of Him and His works. And thus the battle erupts.…
Those who follow Him will defend His name, confess Him to the world and readily speak on His behalf and of His teachings.… They will be pursued and yet patiently endure persecution for His name's sake, they will receive strength from above and the more they are attacked the more eagerly they will proclaim His teachings. God's power will visibly be with them, his love protects them and the mighty of the world will have to realise that their power is futile. They will have to acknowledge a greater power Whose work is evident. They become outraged and now strive to impose their will by any means and for that reason they shall be punished by God's hand.… For when human beings arrogantly want to fight against God Himself they are completely controlled by the adversary and then God will put an end to this….
Hence the time will come when laws upon laws are endorsed and people will be placed into a position to choose for or against Christ.… The supporters of the world will let go of Him for mere rewards; they will gain earthly advantages and sell their soul. And many will give up what should be their holiest possession.… the divine Redeemer and Saviour of the world.…Yet those who suffer persecution for His name's sake will be blessed a thousand fold because He Himself will approach them and lead them into battle and victory will be where He Himself is in command. And even if it seems as if the enemies' intentions might succeed, the battle only lasts a short time, but those who fight for the name of Jesus will be victorious.… Amen
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