Monday, March 31, 2008
Time and again you will ask yourselves why I don't convey the knowledge of Jesus and His act of Salvation to those who seriously strive for perfection but belong to other schools of thought? Why they don't accept the belief in His mission and yet their striving to achieve perfection in this life already cannot be denied…. They recognise a supremely wise, loving and powerful entity above themselves and seek to gain its favour through self denial, through asceticism and labours of love for their fellow human beings; they are also willing to accept a most arduous earthly life for the sake of their perfection, yet they generally isolate themselves from people. They, too, have knowledge of Jesus, if only at first of the man Jesus, Who had to sacrifice His life on the cross, therefore it is not a matter of lack of knowledge.... It should be their duty to investigate Him, especially if they want to present themselves as teachers of other people when they, due to their knowledge, occupy a position of superiority. For they also know the process the man Jesus Christ had to endure purely as a human being.
When a being of light without original sin incarnates on earth…. for the purpose of a mission…. it will also know of Him. People who are interested in self-redemption should give serious thought to this problem as well…. I will always support them in this since they have already relinquished all opposition to Me. Their original sin can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ, but anyone with a genuine desire for Me will not find it difficult to come to this realisation, since I Am, after all, solely concerned with conveying the purest truth to people….
Thus I speak of those with a reputation of wisdom and whom people should use as an example.... who can be clairvoyant at will and who have the gift to move about outside their body…. but who could also recognise the mission of the man Jesus Christ if they wanted to…. for I will always let them become aware of the truth. But in spite of their desire to achieve utmost perfection they do not want to know this particular truth. Consequently, Christianity will find little support even there and My human manifestation in Jesus will not be acknowledged either: However, beings of light are also embodied everywhere, especially during the last days before the end.... And they can be informed by My spirit about the significance of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... For they bring the Gospel to people and make them aware of the strength of love, the true succession of Jesus, Who had to go through love and suffering before He accomplished the act of Salvation.... And corresponding to their love people will be assessed.... And people who live in love will easily awake to the truth, and they will acknowledge Me in the kingdom of the beyond, when they have left the valley of earth and then appeal to Me for forgiveness of their original sin…. Amen
B.D. 8824
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
You must still fulfill a great task before My interference takes place through which you will be placed into entirely different conditions and which will make your activity for Me difficult. But before this takes place, souls who have opposed My Word shall still be reached and learn what is going to happen to man. Though they still doubt this, the great occurrences will soon convince them that you spoke the truth. Wherefore announce this to all people, point them to this interference, which steadily approaches and will touch them all, though the country is not yet revealed to you, which will be struck by it.
I recommend it to your heart that you point all people, to whom you take My Word, to this immense event in nature. This will be necessary, they must give thought to it; they must feel as if they had been directly talked to so that, in the coming days of distress, they can obtain consolation and strength according to their attitude. Wherever My Word is proclaimed, man shall take cognizance of it. Everywhere people shall learn what is coming to them regardless whether it is difficult for them to believe or not. They will believe in the soon coming end, when that occurrence takes place, which will come from the high -out of space -thus has not been caused by the will of man.
Once more I will speak to men through this event; I will awaken them out of their sleep of death and make them look up to Me, The One Whom they can still reach through fervent prayer. I will speak with a loud voice, since they do not pay attention to My gentle speech; I will take care of those who still find their way to Me. Although falling victim to that catastrophe, their souls are saved, if in advance they cry to Me and recognize Me as the power to which they are subject and to which they have to bow.
I exhort you all to mention these My Words, not fearing that you might disquiet people; it is of no avail if they walk into the calamity with closed eyes; it will surprise them and they cannot give any explanation for it.
If you tell it to them be forehand what My purpose with that is, if you announce it as certain, some of them will still become impressed and not lose it out of their thoughts, even though they do not believe in it. Then they will know that this is an occurrence, which My Will has sent over mankind, and they will understand that My Word is truth.
Then they will believe in the end. All attempts must be made to lead man to believe. This immense event in nature can still awaken to belief people who otherwise could no longer be persuaded and whom I yet want to win over even though a great calamity is connected with it.
The danger of becoming re-banned into matter lies before you. Souls will forever thank Me, if I still snatch them from such a re-banishment within matter. For the lot of becoming banned anew is terrible, extending throughout eternities.
The event in nature will be over within a night; yet an immeasurable misery will follow it, which however, each of you can change into a bearable condition, if you muster the right faith in Me. For I am Lord over life and death. I can give you what you are in need of just as I can also take away what you were not ready to give up willingly.
Wherefore do not fail to tell people about the coming catastrophe; for nobody shall say that he did not know of it. The trouble only is that man does not believe the end is close, otherwise he could discover in the Scriptures that a "calamitous event" will break over mankind.
Yet they believe that the time of which is written, that will be fulfilled, has not yet come. But someday the future will become present time; the announcements will prove to have been true and this hour is close. Amen
B.D. 8908
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Booklets translated into english by 12/2007:
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
031 Self-denial Part 1
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
Friday, March 28, 2008
Truth does not remain pure once it is spread amongst imperfect humanity, which I had foreseen and therefore spoke the Words 'I will guide you into truth...', although merely a firm will would suffice to keep it pure. But people do not muster this will.... And especially divine gifts will be devalued by the adversary's influence. It can always be safely assumed that My revelations will not remain unchanged either, especially when worldly interests are involved, when people do not exclusively serve these revelations with the firm intention to protect them against adverse influences. And thus My pure Word can be sent to earth time and again, it will not remain pure, because there are too few spiritual helpers, and if My divine Word gets into the hands of worldly minded people it can be expected to be contaminated again. Therefore it is always necessary to convey the pure truth to earth again….
And for this I choose the right vessels, people who prepare themselves for the reception of My flow of spirit, who give Me the assurance that they will accept the truth without resistance…. who do not oppose it with their own opinions and who fulfil their task correctly…. and who are also distributors of My divine truth. They will also have the gift to recognise error which, as a work of My adversary…. thus under the cover of piety, is given to people as truth in the same way.
I cannot contradict Myself, and neither can I make use of a person who denies My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, who thus allegedly speaks to a person as 'Jesus' being an 'ascended master' …. A misguided doctrine is being fostered in all these human beings, which does not correspond to My divine teaching. But My chosen vessel recognises all correlations and cannot be deceived. And since the beings of light, who work on My instruction, will only teach you what is My will…. since they impart the same flow of strength and light which emanates from Me Myself, their spiritual information has to be the same too, or you would have to doubt its authenticity.
I will always and forever expound the divine teaching of love, as I did on earth, and explain to people the consequences of a life of love as well as the disadvantages of non-compliance with My commandments, because this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life after all…. And time and again you will be told about the cause of your earthly existence …. The knowledge of all correlations is all-inclusive and explains everything, you will recognise therein My love, wisdom and might, and will be able to strive towards a unity with Me. That is all I ask for.
The fact that My pure Word was repeatedly spoiled forces Me to repeatedly pronounce My will too, yet its truth is guaranteed as long as I can still use a vessel serving Me voluntarily and as long as servants assist Me to spread the pure truth. And while this is so, misguided doctrines, which are always close at hand and endanger the pure truth, can be refuted.
I will always bless the will of those who strive for pure truth, I will enlighten their thoughts so that they will recognise the truth…. but it is also essential that they take the path to Me. They must not entrust themselves to beings they call upon for help, for they don't know whether these are authorised by Me to teach you. Thus they do not know whether they are being taught the truth.
The act of Salvation and its reason is evidence that you have found the right source, but if this is only mentioned in passing, if it is not the essence of a message from above, you should have misgivings, for I gave you the criterion Myself 'Test the spirits whether they are of God…. a spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God….' And this teaching is the most important, this is what matters: that you find salvation through Jesus Christ, only He can take the original sin from you…. For He and I are one, you have to acknowledge Him as your God and Creator in order to unite with Me eternally…. Amen
B.D. 8822
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
You will have to fight hard against error for it has already infiltrated the whole world, and it could not be any different since God's adversary rules and endows a person's intellect in accordance with his own will. But since his thinking is already turned away from God he can be influenced by Satan who will always do so in order to spread darkness amongst people…. in order to extinguish the light of truth wherever he succeeds. It would be so easy to live within pure truth if all people let themselves be taught by God Himself, if He had access to all of them, in which case there would also be unity in people's thinking…. But as things stand there is great confusion, people are not aware that the purpose of their earthly life concerns the maturing of their soul. And all concepts have become confused…. There are only a few who can be offered the truth by God Himself so that their thinking is enlightened and they know the purpose of their earthly life….
However, they are unable to get their message through and enlighten their fellow human being by offering them the pure truth from God and exposing the many misconceptions which darken their spirit. And not just there is the pure truth no longer recognisable…
Darkness fights against the light, and due to people's low spiritual level the darkness will triumph, for the end will be the new banishment…. Yet as long as God still speaks to people he also instructs the recipients to work for Him and the distribution of truth and to convey His Word to all who accept it…. You need not be afraid even if you meet with hostility, for He Himself is with you, He will guide you such that you impart the light to all those who urgently need it and want to know the pure truth. You, who are taught by God and receive the spiritual knowledge either directly or through His messengers, are fully aware of the spoilt teaching which no longer corresponds to the Words of Jesus Christ…. you were given the reasons why erroneous thinking has crept in…. But now you shall also pass on the pure teaching as it was imparted to you.... for the truth must establish itself…. anyone who receives it must also spread it and do everything possible to expose the error as the work of God's adversary. You will be helped in every way, for since it is His will, He will direct your thoughts in a way that people will receive what they need for the benefit of their soul. For error does not lead to Him and even if people entertain misguided thoughts…. even if they are good and do not sin consciously…. they will not gain beatitude in the beyond until they have recognised the pure truth and freed themselves from error and lies, for God Himself is eternal truth and He can only be found through truth. Error and falsehood can never ever lead a person to the goal…. to union with Him, to glorious everlasting life…. Amen
B.D. 8818
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All I can say to you is that you will only gain a strong and unwavering faith through a life of love, for love unites you with Me and subsequently will convince you of My strength which is at your disposal to use in accordance with your will. And thus you are constantly admonished by Me to shape yourselves to love so that you will once again adapt your nature to Mine, then all your abilities will return to you as well, which are merely buried within you waiting to break through again, depending on the degree of love you develop…. However, if you make use of My strength in the belief that this strength of Mine lets you cope with everything then your soul's degree of maturity is already high, and then it becomes evident what you can achieve, for I do not deny you My strength…. after all, I want to give you everything so as to help you become perfect and I take pity on you in your weakness. Nevertheless, I cannot work in you contrary to My eternal order.... This working simply requires a living faith which only comes alive through love. And this is the faith you need in order to cope with the onslaughts of the last battle, for only then will you prove whether you support Me or fall away when you are put under pressure….
Even so, I will make sure that My Own will rely on Me, that their strength of faith will keep growing, that they will be able to draw strength from Me, Who will be so close to them that they can sense Me and no longer do anything without My instruction…. And then the strength of faith will reveal itself.... they shall receive what they need, be it earthly food that is denied to them by hostile forces…. or be it My Word which will strengthen them in abundance. Then their faith will be strong enough to profess Me before the world…. and thus they will also prove themselves in the last battle of faith, so that they will belong to the flock of those who will be lifted away, who believe that everything is possible which proves My existence. This is why they are not astounded by the process of the rapture, for their faith accepts everything that is beyond the law of nature, that is miraculous, and thus also the new earth with all the creations which did not exist on the old earth, whose magnificence and glory is incomparable.
Hence I have great expectations of those who want to be My Own: with the help of My Word they will still have to fortify their faith to a point that enables them to stand firm, for never before has a battle like this taken place on earth, and it will require much strength in order to endure it…. But I want to help you by speaking to you Myself and revealing My infinite love which only seeks to attract your reciprocation in order to provide you with the strength to remain steadfast. And the reward I promise you in return will be a life in the paradise of the new earth, a life in association with Me, Who can always be present where love exists since only love can be the foundation of a living faith…. This is why the first and last commandment will only ever be 'Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself….' Then you fulfil your earthly task and one day will be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude, and you will be able to behold God…. Amen
B.D. 8816
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AddressesRelated Link: - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde
Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1
Bertha Dudde - Autobiography
Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets
Booklets translated into english by 12/2007:
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
031 Self-denial Part 1
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I shall also clarify this question, as it is essential that you, who are receiving My Word, will not fall into error, for there are many who believe to be the long awaited forerunner who will announce My coming…. But I keep telling you that he will come at the time of the Antichrist, that his appearance will coincide with that of the former, and that you will then also recognise him…. He will not be there for long and will appear when people need him most, when they need comfort and strength…. Thus you may expect him only when the final phase has begun …. when the natural disaster is over, when a ruler has seated himself on the throne whom you will clearly recognise as the Antichrist and who will cause the battle of faith to erupt. Then this messenger will come forward and clearly testify to Me and My kingdom….
But don't assume that he will appear right now, for he is not yet aware of his mission…. However, when he does appear, everyone will recognise him by the power of his voice and his words. He will then not have the desire to be acknowledged as the 'voice in the wilderness'.... but that is who he is…. And he will speak impelled by the spirit within himself, for his desire to bear witness of Me, to announce My coming and to motivate people to change direction will be so great that he will disregard all caution and speak in the midst of enemies intending to kill him…. But remember that the time of the end has not yet come, that there is still time to speak freely which, however, will soon change after My intervention has taken place, when the suffering of mankind has become so great that someone will offer his help to control this great adversity…. But then My messenger's time will also have come, for he is the last of the prophets, and anyone who will listen to him will receive tremendous strength. Yet you have been repeatedly told that he will be an inconspicuous man of whom you would not assume to have such power of speech while he lives his humble life.
But suddenly there will be a breakthrough in him…. all of a sudden he will realise his mission, and he will become a mighty orator on behalf of God…. who will proclaim My name throughout the world and not be afraid to argue in favour of My name. He will portray Me as the Saviour of mankind and fight for Me and My kingdom…. And you will recognise him by the fact that he will acknowledge Me as the Word that became flesh…. that he will distinctly emphasise My human manifestation in Jesus Christ, that he will not allow for any difference between Myself and Jesus, and that he will acknowledge that Jesus is God….
And his words will fully concur with the teaching I conveyed to you from above. And that shows that he is 'John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the wilderness', My forerunner, who has returned to announce Me, Who soon shall follow in order to fetch My Own when their souls are in utmost distress…. Time and time again there will be people imagining to be the embodiment of John…. Time and again I will enlighten them and tell them that he will make himself known to them in an unusual way, and that he is not to be sought in the ranks of those who feel themselves called…. He will appear where you will least expect him. And this shall suffice you, who anticipate him prematurely, for the time has not yet come. However, it will not be long now, and then everything will happen in quick succession, for he will not have a long lifespan. He will pay for his work on earth with death as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture…. Amen
B.D. 8815
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided teachings that have crept into My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the pure truth. You must always ask yourselves who guarantees that My teachings, which are submitted to you, are the truth. You cannot simply accept human words as truth since you know that they can also be influenced by My adversary who is always interested in plunging humanity into confusion. If you really want to know the truth you will definitely receive the right answer providing you don't want to live in error and request the answer from Me which I certainly won't deny you. And first I will tell you that you have free will which may never be compelled… I will point out to you that it may not be forced by either side, neither by good nor by evil influences, and that you are responsible as to how you have made use of this will. Hence every teaching which you are required to accept… as a dogma… is against My will. You have the freedom to determine for yourselves what you want to believe and no human being can limit your religious freedom. You also have the right to evaluate different directions of faith and take what you agree with from all schools of thought…
Therefore I will always speak to those people who want the pure truth because all others are not interested, they are indifferent whether truth is presented to them or not. They are satisfied with teachings which have been added to My Gospel by people but which could be recognised as completely absurd if people cared to investigate them. My adversary has tied a solid knot by forcing people into 'obedience' which has eliminated every personal religious opinion because no one dares to have their own point of view or believes it to be a great sin… And here God's will should come first… Therefore I draw your attention to free will which you would have to dispute if you submit yourselves to human law…
The 'working of the spirit' in the human being, the only means of receiving pure truth, is also unknown to you. You do not believe that 'I Myself will guide you into truth', and you reject all knowledge gained this way. But this alone is the truth and exposes many misguided teachings. However, as long as you bow to Satan's commandment that you may not freely accept a teaching which you have recognised as right, as long as you cannot liberate yourselves from something that I Myself will never demand of you… you will be slaves, completely without freedom. I Myself will force no human being to accept the truth who does not recognise it as such since I have given the human being free will.
You so often raise the objection that human beings have to be educated in one direction of thought… In that case you should just keep to the two commandments which I Myself have taught people on earth … Just teach them the commandments of love and you will indeed be doing whatever human beings need to attain maturity of soul… Because now it will show who has the sincere will to live in love. And then he will experience the working of My Spirit within himself too, he will be introduced to truth, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of creation, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of life on earth, and above all to the motivation and significance of the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ without Whom no human being can achieve blissfulness.
You, however, are not living Christians… Christians, who are successors of Jesus and completely convinced of the strength of the Salvation work… Christians, who belong to My Church, whose founder I Am Myself… otherwise you would also hear the voice of My spirit who would inform you of the many misguided teachings which find acceptance in the world and which I will always and ever fight against… (19.6.1964) because only truth will lead you to Me, and only through truth can you become blessed. And hence I will convey the truth to My helpers on earth again and again and at the same time give them the task to spread the truth in the world because the human being must live in truth if he wants to become happy… Amen
B.D. 8814
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Monday, March 24, 2008
To what extent you humans acknowledge My act of Salvation determines whether you believe in life after death, in a resurrection from the grave into the kingdom of the beyond. Because the act of Salvation, My suffering and crucifixion, found its culmination in the resurrection on the third day, which was meant to verify all My earlier teachings. It was meant to provide people with the evidence that life is not over when the body dies but that spiritual life begins once a person lives in accordance with My teaching. Admittedly, My resurrection is doubted and only taken notice of as a myth…. And neither can it be proven, such teachings can only be believed or rejected. This belief is also a result of My act of Salvation or an indication that the person is redeemed by Jesus Christ.... because he believes in Him as the divine Redeemer and therefore also utilises the blessings of the act of Salvation. However, the fact that My body visibly vanished from the grave does not mean that 'the flesh' had risen from the dead, instead My physical shell had completely spiritualised itself due to My suffering and crucifixion. It was the spiritual garment the soul had put on, which I only made visible to people in order to show them that death had finally lost its fear because I had conquered it. My life on earth intended to show people the path that leads from the abyss to the pinnacle....
To every one of My teachings I attached the promise that eternal life would await them…. But I required faith in Me in Jesus Christ.... Yet I found little of it, and even My disciples had little faith, and they were frightened to death when I handed Myself over to My enemies.... Their faith was not yet strong enough to believe that I was also Lord over death, consequently they did not remember My Words that 'I will rebuild this temple in three days….' Every one of My closest followers was seized by great sadness, something had fallen apart for them when they had to witness My death on the cross…. I wanted to help them, I wanted to strengthen their faith again and at the same time provide them with the evidence that I Am Lord over life and death....
For this reason I made something visibly take place which, however, is granted to all souls.... that they cannot die but wake up in another kingdom, which is in accordance to their life on earth. The soul leaves the body but this, still being immature, stays behind. Therefore a person has no proof of a resurrection after death and neither can it be given to him, on account of his freedom of will. But I was able to resurrect My body simultaneously because its substances had spiritualised themselves, and thus My resurrection on the third day need not be doubted. However, not all people were able to see Me, I only appeared to My Own because I had announced My resurrection on the third day to them, and because their degree of maturity allowed for it…. But those who found My tomb empty looked for many other reasons to explain the disappearance of My body, and therefore they were not compelled to believe. I had risen from the dead…. People had only been able to kill My body, and even this was no longer subject to natural law after My crucifixion, for it was liberated from all constraints....
But a human being on earth only rarely achieves the degree of maturity which enables the body's substances to align themselves with the soul after the earthly death of the body, and therefore the belief in a resurrection is extremely fragile or associated with wrong concepts. Therefore it has to be preceded by the redemption through Jesus Christ, because someone who is still burdened by the guilt of sin is still completely under control of My adversary…. And he will suppress every thought of a possible resurrection, he will only ever influence the human being in a negative sense and thus also portray My act of Salvation and My resurrection as implausible to them. The fact that the resurrection on the third day took place all the same will hardly be doubted by anyone who whole-heartedly professes Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, since My spirit will tell him so. And thus his thoughts will be guided correctly by Me, since I can work through My spirit in every person who has found his way back to Me in Jesus Christ. He will not taste death anymore either, because he will enter into the life which Jesus Christ promised him.... He escaped death because he escaped the one who brought death into the world. And he escaped from him because he fled to Me in Jesus Christ. From the moment of his surrender to Jesus Christ he has risen from the dead, only now has he come alive, and he will eternally not lose his life again.
But even the disbeliever will not cease to exist, he, too, will only lose his earthly body and not his soul's existence, it will merely enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state which is similar to death…. The grave will keep it locked in, and if Jesus Christ Himself does not roll away the heavy tombstone, it will stay there. But the divine Redeemer died for everyone on the cross, and one day the hour of resurrection will come for every soul, because one day it will call for Me in Jesus Christ, and I will not let its call go unheeded.… Then it will rise from the grave and awaken to life, then the darkness of the grave will recede and it may behold the light…. Because I died for all human beings, and even those who rest in their graves will take notice of the fact that I arose from the dead and that I will give life to anyone who desires to live…. Amen
B.D. 6810
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Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets
Sunday, March 23, 2008
And you all can rejoice, for the Lord has risen from the dead.... Thus it rang out in the kingdom of the spirits as well as with My Own to whom I appeared on the third day when I had left the tomb and showed Myself to My disciples…. Deep sadness had entered their hearts for they had lost what had been their sole purpose in life throughout the time they had spent with Me on earth.
They believed that they had lost Me to death forever, since they did not and could not believe that I would rise from the dead, even though I had informed them of it before. The disciples were still earthly bound in that way and the reality of the earthly world was sobering to them, they were seized by so much fear and lamentation that I wanted to comfort and strengthen them and thus appeared to them after My resurrection…. I had given them the task of going out into the world and proclaiming Me, that is, spreading My divine teaching of love and informing people of the act of Salvation which I had accomplished for all humankind…. But in order to carry out this mission they had to be completely convinced of the truthfulness of their proclamations….
And the act of Salvation also included My resurrection which ultimately was the crowning glory of the work of Salvation, for the people should be informed that I had defeated death, that death need never ever be experienced again by anyone who follows Me, who wants to receive the blessing of My act of Salvation and who thus leads the kind of life that I had lived on earth. Hence he will not need to fear death anymore because I had defeated death and thus also the one who had brought it into the world. And that is why My resurrection was visibly witnessed by people, that is, only by those whose degree of maturity permitted spiritual vision since My body was spiritual, it was no longer a body of flesh and therefore only visible to those who already possessed the ability to see spiritually and to whom I therefore also had announced My resurrection.
The fact that My tomb was empty certainly also surprised the other people, yet they all looked for other explanations than that I had risen from the dead…. And this teaching will simply always require a 'belief' which, however, can be acquired by all people who voluntarily step under My cross, if they want to belong to those for whom I died the most bitter death on the cross. The belief in Me and My act of Salvation simultaneously includes the belief in My resurrection, because a soul having been redeemed by My blood already has the inner certainty of an indestructible life….
The disciples were not yet permeated by My spirit, they were still in the dark after My crucifixion, for their fear did not allow any light. And thus I helped them by means of My visible appearance but which then convinced them so overwhelmingly and made them so joyful and happy that they now thought they could easily carry out their mission and with increased strength wanted to apply themselves to the proclamation of My teaching and My crucifixion as well as My resurrection. In the days after My resurrection I was able to convey instant strength to My disciples, for the salvation of their souls had progressed and they were already able to free themselves from their previous lord, and then they unhesitatingly proceeded with their preaching ministry because they knew that they could no longer die, or that only their body could die but that they would continue to live in My kingdom, and thus death had now lost its sting for them too….
Hence the act of resurrection was more or less first an aid for My Own, whom I had left behind in utmost psychological distress because their faith had still not reached the necessary steadfastness for their task of spreading My Word throughout the world…. But they were meant to speak on My behalf, and therefore they had to also have this convinced faith which only required their complete redemption, but then all My disciples irrefutably possessed this faith so that they were able to be truly devoted proclaimers of My teaching once their mission began…. Amen
B.D. 7320
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My body was resurrected on the third day…. And even if this event seems unbelievable to people because they cannot find any evidence for it, humanity should nevertheless be told through My spirit that I have truly risen from the dead. Because through My act of Salvation I overcame death which My adversary had brought into the world with his descent into the abyss. And with My resurrection I proved to you humans at the same time that death does not exist for the spiritualised being. Hence the re-transformation into the original being… which is achieved by a life of love as I exemplified to humanity… also excludes every condition of death, every helplessness and weakness, and as soon as this transformation has taken place during the earthly life the soul can enter eternal life … Death has been conquered by My sacrifice on the cross because the original sin was redeemed by it and the being has been given the opportunity again to transform into its original essence which then also guarantees its eternal life.
I wanted to prove to you that the physical body can be spiritualised too and thus would not have to fear death either if the human being would succeed in spiritualising his body while still on earth… I Myself, as the human being Jesus, spiritualised all of My body's still immature substances through My life of love, I matured them; love calmed everything that was unspiritual in Me and persuaded it to unite with My soul, so that body and soul could join the eternal spirit God within Me and thus the complete fusion with Him took place. And an entirely spiritualised being cannot be subject to death anymore, because death is a condition of helplessness, but a spiritualised being is light and strength in abundance and liberated from every restraint. The event of My resurrection was therefore also visible to people because they found My tomb empty… It was understandable that the disbelievers tried to convince their fellow human beings that My body had been abducted but they could not substantiate this… And My resurrection will only ever be accepted as truth by believers, by people who are already intimately connected to Me through love or their good will to live in the right way before My eyes… But it is true that it happened because with it the promises, which were transmitted to the people by seers and prophets, were also fulfilled.
My resurrection was a huge defeat for My adversary to whom I proved that love is stronger than hate... that he would not keep his followers in the state of death forever, because I Myself had overcome death and therefore could give life to anyone who acknowledges My act of Salvation and accepts the blessings I had acquired for him on the cross. Hence My resurrection was a defeat for My adversary, and for this reason he tried to mislead people and cast doubt into them about My resurrection… Nevertheless he will not be able to prevent the resurrection of those who follow Me, who believe in Me and to whom I can now give eternal life, as I promised. And he will constantly have fewer followers, since time and again people will rise to eternal life because I overcame death, because he cannot eternally burden a being who has the will to return to Me, and who thus will seek refuge beneath My cross in order to escape My adversary's force… Death has been conquered for them and their resurrection to life is guaranteed…
(23.4.1962) Even My disciples did not want to believe that I had risen from the dead, although I made this promise to them beforehand... But I strengthened their faith, and they recognised Me when I came to them... Hence they had proof that I had overcome death, because they should proclaim Me with complete conviction. They should speak of My death on the cross and also of My resurrection, since this knowledge had to be given to people who were meant to believe in Me and start on the path to the cross … since they could only be redeemed if they too would carry their guilt to Me under the cross. But My most important act of mercy would soon have been forgotten again had My spirit not been active time and again in those human beings who had entirely given themselves to Me, and whom… being redeemed… I could fill with My spirit in abundance, who educated them from within, who made the knowledge of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation comprehensible to them… Because the written records passed on to people did not remain truthful for long… Where human intellect was used on its own misguided opinions crept in, which were also passed on as 'written records' and consequently there was no further guarantee for the pure truth… But where My spirit could work in a person, the pure truth was revealed time and again, and the knowledge of My suffering and death on the cross as well as My resurrection was given to people, because this knowledge is absolutely essential if people should also have complete faith in it.
And My spirit will always work in the person who gives himself to Me in order to receive the pure truth… Time and again people will hear the message and be given the right explanation, so that you humans can indeed believe in My resurrection and My triumph over death, that death need not exist for you anymore if you keep by My side, if you yourselves want that I have died on your behalf… when you have a living faith in Me and My act of Salvation, which I Myself accomplished in the man Jesus. I Am resurrected from the dead, and after the death of your body you will be resurrected in this way to eternal life too … And you need not fear death anymore once you are freed from the enemy of your souls, from My adversary… once you allow yourselves to be redeemed by Me… Because then there will be no more death for you, then you will live in and with Me and eternally not lose this life again… Amen
B.D. 8158
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
When I lived on earth My constant thought was to save people from descending into utmost darkness so that they would be unable to enter the vestibule of hell, on account of which I continuously proclaimed the teaching of love to make it easier for them to believe in My act of Salvation, and thereby the work of redemption was already achieved in these human beings. Yet people were still too occupied with the earthly world, only a few believed in life after death and they were receptive for My teaching of love, and they recognised Me Myself with ease since I was also able to instruct them and they accepted everything as truth. Thus a large proportion of those who experienced Me Myself were able to enter My kingdom in a 'redeemed' state, yet far more rejected My teaching, they remained heartless and had to endure their fate in the beyond….
After My crucifixion I also descended into this kingdom and was able to release all those who stayed in the vestibule of hell …. all the people who had lead a God-pleasing life but for whom the kingdom of light was still locked because they were still burdened by the original sin, since My act of Salvation had yet to be accomplished…. I approached them as the 'human being Jesus' for they, too, should not be compelled to believe, I joined them in My figure of suffering which made many ask the question: If You are the Messiah Who was promised to us, why did Your power not prevent this…. why did You have to suffer this appalling death on the cross? For they had been waiting for Me, for the One Who was promised to them as Saviour. They, too, had to follow Me entirely of their own free will, and it was not difficult to convince them that I was this promised Messiah….
Then, however, followed My descent into hell…. into the region where I also wanted to bring salvation from the original sin …. There I was less successful in convincing the souls, precisely because I appeared in the same figure and was visible to them as the 'beaten Jesus' to Whom they denied all power and thus they did not want to acknowledge Him either. Nevertheless, anyone who wanted to was allowed to follow Me and I released him from his bondage. And time and again I descend into the abyss to ignite a small light for everyone, so that they momentarily will remember the One Who once came to them and gradually lessen their resistance, so that they, who previously had been stubborn and only had words of hatred and scorn for Him, will also let themselves be redeemed by His love. Yet My love will not hold anything against them, My love is constantly concerned that everyone should be rescued, that no-one will return again into the bondage of the one who had owned them for so long, and that My act of Salvation for these, too, has not been made in vain. But I cannot prevent it if their resistance to Me is so strong that all endeavours on My part are in vain, for I will never force anyone to acknowledge Me, I will only offer everyone the best possible opportunities to find their way out into the light.
And thus you humans render Me a great service by praying for these souls, for there will always be a few who will let go, who will be touched by the power of prayer and then can be guided into the light. And in sincere gratitude these souls will do the same and entice other souls out of the abyss…. since they know each other and they understand and try to disperse the objections which still dominate them.
Once it is possible that they at least take notice of My greatest act of mercy then they will also reflect on it and try to make contact with Me…. And then the forgiveness of their immense sin is ensured, then the gate into the kingdom of light will be opened for them and a long state of torment will have finished. Yet those who are unwilling will be subject to a new banishment at the end, for one day they will have to regain their self-awareness as a human being and decide once more…. And thus the process across earth can indeed happen more than once, and sooner or later even these beings' will shall surely turn to Me as well, one day the hour of salvation will also come for them…. Amen
B.D. 8999
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AddressesRelated Link: - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde
Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1
Bertha Dudde - Autobiography
Bertha Dudde - Index Theme-Booklets
Booklets translated into english by 12/2007:
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
031 Self-denial Part 1
036 God's Intervention
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist
044 New Banishment
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race