Friday, February 29, 2008
Read the Bible and you will see that the spirit of truth has been pushed aside in a most obvious way. God's Word has been withheld from you so that those of you who are looking for truth shall not recognise it. The records are carefully maintained but to what extent these records comply with Christ's teaching is not scrutinised.
And how often has the divine Word been changed, how often has God's Word been wrongly interpreted and how rarely was the wrong interpretation objected to. This deception of humanity cannot be emphasized often enough; after all, it has been the cause of all divisions and religious conflicts.
When Jesus lived on earth He spoke about the
He merely said to His disciples `Go and teach all nations…' He gave them the task to instruct people in His teaching of love and He promised His assistance if they remained in His spirit… For as soon as they taught love they had to live within love themselves, thus the Lord Himself, Who is love, was with them.
But where love rules all dominating control is unnecessary…. where love rules one person serves the other and where love rules commandments are superfluous unless the commandment of love given by God Himself is preached to people. Anything that teaches love complies with divine will, but the addition of further commandments is not in accordance with God's will because the basis of any command is a dominant force …
But people should live together like brothers, they should merely submit to God's will if they want to acquire the kingdom of God. By no means should they rebel against the worldly power which God has indeed appointed for the sake of keeping order where it is violated, however, His kingdom is not of this world….He alone is Lord and Master in His kingdom, and He certainly needs no one on earth to represent Him and exercise their power over other people.
But which Word of the Lord during His life on earth specifies such power?
He has lived a life of love, He gave love and taught love… True love, however, excludes the need to rule.... The stronger should not rule the weaker even where the fulfilment of divine commandments had been taught. Because an enforced action is not to be very highly valued, regardless of how noble and good it is. Not until a person uses his free will are these actions done before God. And thus God only demands the human being's free will.
But at no time are people on earth entitled to add their own commandments to the divine commandments. And even less may people be obliged to obey these commandments by threat of temporal or eternal punishment. For then a commandment would be observed to avoid punishment, which otherwise would have been ignored. Thus the fulfilment of such commandments cannot possibly have great value before God and for eternity.
When Christ's disciples complied with His instructions and spread the Gospel throughout the world God's activity was clearly visible because in the name of Jesus they healed the sick, they expelled evil spirits and performed miracles in order to reaffirm what they were teaching. God's spirit was with and within them; everything they achieved was the divine working of the spirit. They proclaimed the teaching of Christ, the divine teaching of love, and simultaneously exemplified love to their fellow human beings.
Thus, they eliminated the desire to rule, for they were like brothers among themselves and served each other with love. This was the office Jesus Christ gave to his disciples for their future work…
He did not appoint one of the apostles as a person in charge, as a leader to whom all should succumb. However, what developed at a later time completely differed from what the Lord Himself stood for. An ecclesiastical-
And this was of most decisive significance because what Jesus had condemned during His life on earth surfaced again… people were commanded to do what they should have done voluntarily. And reputable men of distinction called themselves successors of the apostles who had met the duties of their office in greatest poverty…. and a structural establishment displaying enormous splendour called itself the only beatifying church, which Jesus Christ had supposedly installed with the words `You are Peter, the rock…'
These words were interpreted thus by people who desired power; but these words do not by any means allow for the interpretation that Peter is the founder of an ecclesiastical power and that the heads of this church are the successors of the apostles…. those very apostles who, without status and distinction, only proclaimed the Gospel, the divine teaching of love, to the world. Peter was the most devout of them and Jesus emphasized his strong belief with the words `You are Peter, the rock, on this rock I will build My church.'
He calls the community of believers His church, because those who want to acquire God's kingdom have to join together with innermost faith and thus constitute His church.
Such is His will, and He expressed this will with those words.
However, it is not His will that eminent and exalted dignitaries should believe themselves to be the head of such a community and thus also exercise their power… that untold customs and ceremonies let the truly essential part become unimportant; i.e. that due to the countless formalities, which are given too much merit, the divine teaching of love remains unnoticed, and that therefore the apostles' real task of spreading the Gospel throughout the world is no longer recognised.
There can indeed also be men after God's heart amongst those rulers, and God will truly not deny His spirit and His mercy to them, but then their wisdom is not the result of their position or the exalted office they fill but due to their right way before God… These then are Peter's true successors because they are strong in faith, and from the strength of faith they draw wisdom, for then they are like a rock from whence the living water comes forth….
Then they are true representatives of the
Those of you who are not yet living in truth will have to surrender much of your spiritual wealth because the time will come when you shall witness the collapse of much that you had deemed indestructible. You will realise that human work will not last even if it had managed to survive for a long time. You will find it inconceivable that divine providence will initiate a work of destruction which simultaneously will denote a major spiritual change and strongly disturb the thoughts of people who believe themselves to live in truth.
And you won't be able to find any other explanation than God's unmistakable demonstration that you are misguided. This mistake is already too deep-rooted in you that you could liberate yourselves from it and therefore God wants to help you… He wants to show you that everything has to yield to His will, including that which has survived for thousands of years.
God gave human beings free will, subsequently He had to withdraw His will where human will opposed it. Thus he did not prevent the structure of an establishment which did not correspond to His will. However, His will was secretly respected and observed, unnoticed by the world and therefore little known, yet resisting hostile interference.
But humanity was pleased with this structural work which asserted itself with much pomp and splendour and which found many followers. But one day even this work will come to an end and this end will happen in full view of all people…
A building deemed indestructible will tremble and result in an event which will claim many victims in every sense.
God's intervention will shock people's thoughts.
But God wants to prove to people that all human creations deteriorate and that everything which comes from God directly will continue. He wants to inform people that they are misguided, He wants to make them receptive for the pure truth. And in view of the disastrous change many people will stop and think, they will question the credibility of their previous teachings because the breakdown has robbed them of all faith.
And this event is not far away, the whole world will be involved and, if they are faithful, recognise an obvious sign sent by God to the people on earth for the salvation of their souls… Amen
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There is no earthly-material world whose inhabitants could purely physically leave this world without losing their lives…. irrespective of whether this concerns the earth or other planets which shelter beings whose physical consistency depends on the planets properties, that is, it adapted itself to the planets nature. Therefore it will never be possible for inhabitants from one planet to go to another, because natural law prevents it and because each planet only ever provides the living conditions for the living beings it was allocated by God's will…. Although spiritual connections between different worlds exist they only ever pursue and intend to achieve spiritual goals, but they would neither want nor be able to provide a planet's respective inhabitants with material advantages, as people imagine or hope for. Contacts between different stars do not exist unless a spiritual connection is established between the beings on spiritual creations who can emanate their light to all celestial bodies and who are thus also mentally connected to people on earth if people want such a connection, if people are receptive to their illuminations. Then these beings of light can indeed also offer advice about earthly matters, they can take care of people's every earthly need and in a truly divine sense exercise their influence on people…. But to appear to people visibly will always be an exception in very special circumstances and for very special reasons, which should not be generalised by expecting or announcing a definite forthcoming mass appearance of such beings….
People should bear in mind that they live in the last days. They should think about what it means that God's adversary is nearing the end of his freedom, that he will be bound again and that he knows he only has little time left. Nevertheless, in his delusion he still believes that his power will triumph. And therefore he will stop at nothing in order to achieve his supposed victory. And if people know this then they will also be able to understand what seems strange or mysterious to them. And science will also provide much clarification…. But unexplained events occur in areas outside the realm of science, which are of a more transcendental nature…. And especially these areas are used by the adversary to make his exposure more difficult…. to make people believe that they are approached by beings from the realm of light and then surrender to his influence. This influence always intends to divert people from the truth, to darken their thoughts with error, thus preventing their return to God. For people's thoughts will be redirected towards matter again which should be overcome during their earthly life.
The adversary will negate everything that is proclaimed by God as 'close at hand', everything that is related to the 'approaching end', and thus people are led into false expectations which result in indifference towards their souls and the great danger that the souls will experience the end unprepared and be lost again for eternity. Unworldly-minded people will not fall prey to the adversary's artful temptations, for their focus on God and their desire for truth also guarantees that they think correctly. And although they are unable to explain such appearances it will not seriously affect their way of life…. they steadfastly continue on their path until the end, always protected by the beings of light who prevent God's adversary to seize them. For in the final analysis it is a person's own will which determines whether and to what extend he lives in truth…. Amen
B.D. 7208
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Anyone who mentally ventures beyond earthly spheres will also be influenced by forces of the beyond, for he is constantly surrounded by such forces. But this influence is of a spiritual nature, because contact between this world and the world of the beyond gets established through the human being's will. However, you humans must differentiate between establishing contact with Me through prayer.... and contact with the spiritual world due to your will to gain knowledge from these spiritual powers, thus opening yourselves up to the influence of this spiritual world. No such established contact will remain unused, irrespective of whether I Myself or spiritual forces react to it, because the initiated connections from earth to the spiritual world are extremely important for the development of the human being's soul. For the effectively spiritually blind human being shall acquire spiritual vision, and his spiritual eyes can only be opened through an inflow of light which either flows to the human being from Me directly or also through the spiritual beings of light. Hence, any link from earth to the spiritual world is welcomed by the beings of light, who are aware of peoples' state of darkness on earth and would very gladly like to give them light in accordance with My will…. However, they are governed by My will to give what is beneficial for people. And My will also stops them where too bright a light might damage a person by dazzling his eyes and rendering him incapable of perception.
My adversary, however, uses deceptive lights precisely because he wants to impair people's vision, because he wants people's eyes become entirely incapable of recognising the soft light coming from Me, which has a beneficial effect and brightly and clearly shows the right path to Me. Therefore he endeavours to let as many deceptive lights shine as possible in order to confuse people…. He endeavours to lead people into a direction where they apparently can gain information, where the human being believes to get hold of knowledge and yet receives completely misleading spiritual values…. My adversary has many such means which he uses to cause ever greater mental confusion in people. He often ignites such glaring deceptive lights that people will be engulfed by darkest night if they have looked into this light for a long time, since it will not provide them with permanent enlightenment but suddenly return them into total darkness again. And countless dark forces are supporting him by participating and appearing as supposed beings of light…. by prompting people to establish the above mentioned links with the spiritual world by way of improper thought transferences which either flatter people or promise them advantages, so that they will follow these thoughts and thus enter a region which is governed by dark powers. Just the intention of wanting to acquire knowledge without turning to the right source can lure people into a dangerous region from which they can only save themselves again with great difficulty…. The will to step out of the ordinary, to experience the extraordinary and wanting to excel with exceptional knowledge leads people into this dangerous position where dark forces overpower him and thus dazzle his vision.
And in view of the end there is an increased risk, for the universe is full of poison-spitting spirits which are loyal vassals to My adversary in order to corrupt people. His influence is powerful because the human being does not resist him, but he could become master over him by just entrusting himself to Me Myself in Jesus Christ, Who had defeated him through My crucifixion. But instead of calling upon Me the human being calls upon other powers in the universe, and he will indeed be heard by these powers and helped…. frequently in a way which brings ever greater darkness instead of brightness. He moves increasingly further away from the truth, he allows himself to be captivated by delusions, by illusions brought into being by My adversary…. He offers immature spirits the opportunity to express themselves and accepts their information as pure truth.... He is most dreadfully deceived by My adversary and always believes himself to be enlightened…. But he will not accept the truth which consists of the fact that My Word cannot fade away, that it will come to pass and that My Word has announced an end ever since the beginning of this era…. And this end will come and no one will be able to stop it…. And anyone seeking protection will only find it with Me, yet a person will call for help in vain if he turns to powers which promise him protection but are unable to provide it…. For these powers only aim to corrupt you, to withhold the truth from you and not to let you find the light…. And if you listen to them you will then also go astray and remain in their power for an infinitely long time…. Amen
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
You can always rely on being correctly instructed when you turn to Me Myself for an explanation. You will also sense it mentally, that is, your reasoning will already move within the truth because this is what you are looking for…. Thus feelingwise you will already be on the right path even if you are still occupied with apparently-unsolved problems.
For the prerogative of those who unite with Me, the Eternal Truth, consists of the fact that they feel an inner resistance as soon as they are affected by misguided thoughts…. You have to expect many unusual phenomena during the last days, and then can decide for yourselves whether to ascribe them to Me or to My adversary, who will conduct himself equally extraordinary to gain his victims. And you will also have to learn to differentiate. You should not forget that the world is his domain and therefore he will also show himself in the world and by means of worldly machinations. But you should know, too, that there is no power which could prevent My working and thus change My eternal plan of Salvation, which includes an end of this earth period…. For I pursue a goal which only serves to release the fallen spiritual substances from the abyss…. And I truly know when the right time has come.
One thing is certain: My adversary's plans do not agree with Mine, he does not pursue the same goal…. i.e. to help the fallen spirits…. instead, he only ever intends to render My plans ineffective, to put a stop to them and at the same time defeat Me Myself, which he will never achieve. On the one hand, he now urges people to experiment in various ways in order to destroy creations, because he believes that he thereby can release the captive spiritual substance and gain it for himself…. and on the other had he makes people believe that they need not fear the danger of an end in order to stop them from consciously working on improving their soul which, in view of the end, is nevertheless pursued by those who follow the signs of the time and therefore also know how late it is. For that reason he works with much cunning and causes confusion, which will also affect those who do not want to belong to him.
He tries to make people believe in apparently real things which will retain their appearance until suitably minded people have sighted them…. people who, due to their attitude and thoughts, are susceptible to God's adversary's influence…. who do not even want to think about an end of this earth, who would also rather believe in the most incredible actions or provisions to prevent such an end than to accept the truth, which is proclaimed to them time and again. Their attitude provides My adversary with a good response…. they believe to be within the range of good forces and yet have become subject to My adversary, for he uses them to spread misguided teachings and satanic work.
My adversary is entitled to immense power at the end. It is the countermeasure for My unusual, merciful work on people whom I still want to help to find Me. I work in unusual ways indeed but I do not affect people's senses unnaturally; I work inwardly and want to gain influence on people's hearts…. My adversary, however, makes an impression on people's senses, people's intellect, and he only strengthens the desire for an indestructibility of earth and a prevented end at the last minute. My adversary counteracts Me and My proclamations and that alone should expose him, it should demonstrate who is at work when people's minds are troubled by inexplicable events by which My predicted end of the earth becomes questionable…. My Word is truth, and thus My adversary cannot refute these proclamations, irrespective of how cunning and crafty he intends to proceed. And people themselves could recognise who tries to influence them if only they would always take the path to Me, Who truly will not withhold the truth from them. Amen
B.D. 7205
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
And My adversary's followers will persecute you because they will proceed against everyone who believes in Me and the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... I inform you of this beforehand so that you will not become scared and waver in your faith. For they will be unable to harm you because I Am with you as your refuge and protection and know how to help everyone as long as he turns to Me as soon as he suffers earthly or spiritual adversity…. It has to happen this way because the end is near, because a separation of the spirits still has to take place, because My Own will have to profess Me before the world when this confession is demanded of them. Hence you will have nothing to fear, you, who count yourselves among My Own, who have living faith in My love and might and are so closely united with Me that you take no step without Me…. who always feel Me with you and are therefore at peace in My presence, not even fearing your enemies, who will certainly feel severely harassed but whose faith cannot be shaken. I Am informing you of this already…. Not much time is ahead of you until it will happen, nevertheless, I will keep the day and hour secret from you because it would not benefit your soul if you knew it. But neither will I stop proclaiming the end to you and drawing your attention to everything that will still take place before the end. For thereby you shall recognise which hour has struck on the world's clock, and you shall calmly expect the end. At present you can still do your vineyard work, you can still spread My Gospel throughout the world…. You still have a certain amount of freedom which you should and are able to use…. Yet the time will pass by quickly, and then you will no longer be able to openly work for Me and My kingdom. Then you will no longer be allowed to be spiritually active, you will be forced to withdraw and only able to work secretly, but I will constantly provide you with strength, for you will continue to hear My Word and through you it will also reach your fellow human beings, because I protect My servants and show them the ways they have to go in order to let Me Myself speak to their fellow human beings.
And then you should only ever rely on Me, don't take any path without Me, you should always and forever commend yourselves to My protection and confidently await My help if you require it. For I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own…. The battle against you, against the believers, will only last for a short time because it will be waged with all brutality and therefore I will put an end to it Myself when the time is right. And during this time the spirits will conclusively separate, for then every person will acknowledge his lord, the lord to whom he feels he belongs. Regardless of the objections you humans might time after time raise against these indications…. they will turn into reality and you will all have to make the decision: for Me or for him, who once again will plunge you into the abyss…. Yet whatever can still be done for your deliverance will be done, and I will leave no stone unturned in order to release anyone from his control who accepts My help…. Yet the person's free will is decisive, and I do not compel it…. But I demand great strength of faith from My Own so that they will endure until the end…. Nevertheless, their will to belong to My Own will also give them remarkable strength, and the greater their adversity is the more firmly they will join Me and the stronger will be their faith, which I certainly shall not disappoint. And once the time comes when you can no longer work openly for Me and My kingdom then the last phase on this earth will have started, for then everything will quickly happen one after the other, the battle of faith will begin openly, the final decision will be demanded of people, and the adversary's followers will outshine each other with their undignified onslaughts against the believers…. Then you, who belong to Me, can also daily expect My coming, for I will rescue you from your adversity of body and soul, I will lead you away from this earth, and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed, because then the time will have been fulfilled…. Amen
B.D. 8090
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Every one of you is reminded to consider the gravity of the time…. No-one among you should take it easy, no-one should believe themselves to have much time left, each one of you who wants to do so shall still work diligently in My vineyard, for everyone's work is needed since it can still result in the salvation of a soul if it is carried out with a loving will to help. I see the many unhappy souls which still linger so far away from Me because they live without faith and only make use of their life on earth in a purely material way…. And I will guide you to wherever I can still see an opportunity to win them over through My Word, that is, I will guide your thoughts and actions such that they will obtain possession of My gift of grace, of My Word, which flows to you from above. Rest assured that you can still greatly contribute towards the redemption of erring souls, you just should not let yourselves become discouraged; you must constantly work and I shall truly give you the strength so that you will be able to work according to My will. And you should also take note of the fact that you will be able to discover a greater will to live and increased self-indulgence the closer it gets to the end…. For people don't believe in an end and thus will uninhibitedly satisfy their wishes and cravings. And it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood: they ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage…. they will live in an exuberant lust for life and the floodgates will be wide open for sin. For My adversary will have predominance and will certainly make use of it….
And this is the time you are approaching, and everyone who fails to remember Me and does not appeal for My protection and help will be at risk. However, anyone who believes in Me will also turn to Me and he will not go astray…. And anyone who wants to be of service to Me may also experience My special grace…. yet he shall also pay attention to My instructions which will only ever consist of doing redeeming work. And you can do this constantly by referring the people around you to the coming event, by admonishing and warning them, by conveying My Word to them wherever possible. Every such activity will be blessed even if the success is not immediately obvious.... So don't get discouraged if you come across all kinds of opposition; don't stop in your willingness to be a helpful co-worker for Me; consider the great spiritual hardship and carry out redemption work by distributing My Gospel, by spreading My Word, which is greatly effective and can touch those souls which are not yet entirely hardened belong to My adversary. And very soon you will realise the truth of My Word, since you are approaching the end with giant strides…. For the time is fulfilled and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture…. Amen
B.D. 8072
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
I want to enlighten your spirit if you ask Me for it: The soul's actual task during its life on earth is to attain full maturity, for at the beginning of its earthly existence its substances are still more or less immature. It still has to tackle many instincts which it brought along from its previous embodiments and will always have the opportunity during its earthly life to master them, providing its will is good and directed towards Me. Nevertheless, it is passing through the satanic realm, which means that it has to wage a constant battle which lasts as long as it lives on earth. Time and again it will come into contact with spiritually immature substances, which it also consumes in the form of food in order to keep the body fit, and these substances must be spiritualised by the soul too, that is, it has to try to bring everything into the right order. Hence these spiritual substances will join the body; they serve the growth and preservation of that which was given to the soul as an external cover, in which the soul itself should attain full maturity. The spirits, the substances contained in food, are therefore of service and thereby slowly ascend as well…. irrespective of whether they come from the plant or animal kingdom…. The nourishment needed by the body as sustenance is spiritual substance in the process of maturity too, which has achieved various degrees of development…. The body can also consume something unhealthy, that is, nourishment which still contains too many immature spiritual substances.... which then might not only bother the body but also the soul…. and manifest itself in the form of diseases…. However, a strong soul is able to put these immature substances in order but it must already have achieved a high degree of spiritual maturity to be able to exert a redeeming influence on the still immature spiritual substance. The correct preparation of food can therefore promote faster maturing by eliminating virulent spiritual substances before it comes into contact with the human body. For all spiritual substances still constrained in creation have a low degree of maturity but they can be redeemed faster if they willingly serve the human being. Then their path can be shortened, which is the case when the body submits to the soul's will, when the body does not prevent a soul's conscious striving towards attaining perfection and when these spiritual substances also support the soul by subordinating themselves to the body and thus let themselves become spiritualised too…. But this only happens if the food the body consumes is pure, healthy and beneficial for the body's continuation. For once the soul succeeds in making the body compliant by submitting itself to the soul's will, the body's spiritualisation will soon take place, providing the soul has united itself with the spirit within itself…. thus consciously strives towards spiritual perfection….
If, however, the soul has no bond at all with its spirit then it will allow itself to be determined by its body…. i.e., all unspiritual substances of its external cover will strongly predominate and control the soul; in that case its thoughts and intentions will only aim to increase its physical well-being and then a high intake of food and drink will also prevent its spiritual development…. The body will consume an excess of unspiritual substances which pull body and soul down, for then everything of a satanic nature will push itself into the forefront and find no resistance…. thus endangering higher development if not preventing it altogether. And once again it follows that the prayer for blessing of all nourishment is the best means to avoid this danger.... I can and will transform everything that is detrimental for your soul if only you always think of Me before you eat your food, which will always contain more or less immature spiritual substances, because everything passing through the works of creation is still earth-bound whatever degree of development it may have achieved. Your will to attain perfection on earth is valued by Me, and a prayer for blessing everything you consume always proves your will to Me and I shall always comply with it. However, that which serves the maintenance and growth of the body fulfils its actual task…. it is of service…. And in this way you must always look at the consumption of food.... The fact that a certain moderation has to be observed, that you must not merely satisfy your physical cravings, speaks for itself, for then you will avoid the danger of your body being harassed by harmful spiritual substances…. You don't need any special clarification as to which foods are useful and which are detrimental to you, for your will to live in My eternal order will also give you the right feeling in the choice of your meals…. and each one can be of use to you, just as each one can harm you if you don't keep to the right amount or if base cravings incite you into satisfying them…. For you must know that only your free will determines to what extent you resist the temptations of the adversary, of your soul's enemy. And he will always make use of everything that can become a danger to you. He will arouse cravings in you, he will use the body to influence your soul and put it under pressure wherever it is possible for him.
He himself is incapable of forcing you, just as he has no direct influence on the spiritual substance which is still bound in matter; but he can incline your will towards him if you accept the thoughts he transmits to you through cravings and you comply with them yourselves…. by either satisfying these craving or by being careless in the choice as well as the amount of your food or even consciously sin against My order which you, however, know full well and can also observe with good will. Hence in a sense you contribute towards the redemption of immature substances within matter by consuming the right amount of food and drink, because the maturing process of these small spiritual particles involves their being of service, and as soon as you enable them to 'serve' you are helping them to mature. I Myself assigned this serving function or duty of service to every work of creation, and if the human being himself lives within divine order he will never prevent the spirits' higher development, in whatever form they are still bound…. For I also created the human being with all his needs, and it is up to him to always observe moderation and to make use of that which I assigned to him in love and wisdom. And anyone who does not consciously want to sin will also make use of all creations I designated for him, on whatever spiritual level they may be, according to My intended order…. And in unity with Me he will always appeal for My blessing and then also contribute towards the fact that his body's still immature spiritual substances as well as those the body consumes for its upkeep will be guided into the right order…. that they will mature during earthly life according to My will…. Amen
B.D. 8041
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My Own, too, will have to suffer adversities because their faith shall become increasingly stronger when, time and time again, I will lead them out of their predicament. For they shall persevere until the end and thus need a strong and unwavering faith from which they will then draw the strength for their resistance. The battle against faith will come last but this will be brutally waged…. A living faith, however, will offer resistance to it, for then you will be so closely connected to Me that you will not fear anything, regardless of what the adversary will do in order to bring you down. A strong faith is a living bond with Me.... Then I will no longer be the distant God for you but I will be your Father Who is with His child, which therefore cannot be anxious anymore since it knows itself to be safe in His protection. This will then be proof of who belongs to My church, which I founded Myself.... of whose faith is like Peter's, a faith which does not waver irrespective of how many onslaughts are undertaken…. It will be proof of who is closely united with Me, who knows the truth and therefore also My eternal plan of Salvation. And they will fearlessly face up to everything that will be done against them. You, who are My Own, will recognise ever more clearly that the end is not far away, and you should also look at the world with open eyes; then you will recognise the low spiritual level which soon cannot sink any lower and for that reason necessitates an end.
However, the day has been determined for eternity and will definitely be adhered to. Yet people will incredulously want to reject your announcements, they will barely listen to you when you admonish and warn them, they will make plans for the future and will not want to let go of them, they will only ever think in a purely earthly way and pay no attention to spiritual reproaches…. And therefore they will be taken by surprise by the coming event and also experience the end unprepared unless My final wake-up call still lets them find Me and change their way of life. And against the background of all these events you, who are and want to remain My Own, will have to be forearmed. Your faith must not start to waver; you must be as steadfast as a rock…. And I want to help you gain this faith by allowing you to experience My help ever more obviously when you are in great distress. I truly will not leave you because you handed yourselves over to Me and want to be of service to Me. But I also know what demands will still be made on you in the last days and I want to prepare you such that you can do justice to everything, that you will have the strength of faith at your disposal which is your fortitude no matter what will happen. Whatever you are lacking still requires My help; every one of you still has to be taught by Me because it is My will that you shall persevere, that you will prove yourselves in all temptations, that you will come to Me in every adversity and faithfully rely on Me and My help…. Time and again you shall be allowed to experience Me, time and again you must feel My love and might, I want to be present for you at all times so that your bond with Me grows ever stronger, and then you will no longer be at risk of failing, for I will keep hold of you and protect your from My adversary, regardless of his actions against you. The final battle on this earth will be short because I Myself will shorten the days for the sake of the elect…. But it will irrevocably happen, after all it concerns the final separation of the sheep from the goats…. My Own will openly have to testify to Me before the world, and they will truly have the strength to make this public confession, because in awareness of My presence they will not fear the adversary…. and because they will face him with an abundance of strength and will not be afraid to speak when a confession is demanded of them. And even if it then seems to appear as if the adversary is winning.... he will not be able to kill you for I Myself will come in the clouds…. I Myself will rescue you from utmost adversity, I will lift My Own up to Me and constrain My adversary again for a long time…. I will put an end to his activity…. I will lift My Own up to heaven and then accomplish the work of the transformation of earth, so that a new period of Salvation can begin and the spiritual beings' process of development will be able to continue according to the eternal plan of Salvation…. Amen
B.D. 8017
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Friday, February 22, 2008
Once again I want to inform you through the voice of the spirit that you are approaching an event with inconceivable consequences…. that humanity will experience something the extent of which has never before happened since the beginning of this period of Salvation…. For I want to shake people out of their dream state; I want them to take stock of themselves and this is only possible through a natural event of such enormous proportions that no-one will be able to remain unaffected by the great tragedy which this event will mean for humanity. The whole world will sympathise with it and people everywhere will fear that the same event might happen to them, for no previous signs existed to anticipate an event such as this, and therefore there will be great unrest amongst humankind. And it will also be very obvious to all people that this event was not caused by human will.... they will know that it was caused by a power they cannot fight; they will realise that natural elements had burst through, to which people are hopelessly exposed. And that is My intention, for as long as people always hold other people to account for that which happens in the world, nobody will take a look at himself…. But it is My will that they shall find the path to Me, and since people's low spiritual level has already sunk to the point that they also deny My existence…. since belief in Me has fallen to a minimum, I must use the last means in order to give evidence of Myself, although even then every individual person can still make up his own mind according to his will. For he will not be forced to believe, he can also give himself any other explanation, and that is to be expected. Once again only a few will understand Me and My voice and be receptive to it, they will call upon Me in greatest adversity and, truly, I will miraculously rush to their aid because I want to win them over to testify to Me, they shall be living advocates of Me when the time has come. I must use quite unusual methods because people are already so insensitive that even the most appalling occurrences mean almost nothing to them anymore…. they receive such news with their ears only to forget about them again in a short time because it hasn't happened to them personally. And thus an event will have to occur which will frighten all people because they won't know whether it will repeat itself, whether there will have been only partial destruction or whether the whole earth will finally have been affected…. They must be placed into this state of fear for people are only interested in their own destiny, and therefore they shall be anxious….
And then there will be a possibility that people will find and take the path to Me, and every single person can consider himself fortunate if he had already established contact with Me or is establishing it…. who prays to Me in spirit and in truth. Time and again I say to you that you will be saved from ruin, from a renewed banishment into matter, if you have found Me, even if your degree of maturity is still very low. You will be able to enter the kingdom of light, you can keep ascending in the beyond and no longer need to fear darkness…. For as soon as you find Me you will also have recognised Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and use the blessings of the act of Salvation: you appeal to Him for forgiveness of your guilt and thus enter the kingdom of the beyond in a redeemed state.... or you accept the help of the guides in the beyond without opposition, who will escort you to the divine Redeemer…. But this always means that you must acknowledge Me Myself during your life on earth, that you accept Me of your own free will, which is proven by every heartfelt prayer to Me. This is why overwhelming adversity will befall the human race, so that this call, which decides your fate in eternity, can come through to Me. You must believe in Me as your God and Creator Who wants to be your Father, hence you must also call upon Me like children to their father. But then you really need not be afraid anymore regardless of what happens to you, for then you will experience My very obvious protection, for the time afterwards will be the final short reprieve during which everyone will be able to work for Me. Then he must be able to stand up for Me with conviction and that is what he will do, because he was allowed to experience Me so evidently that he will remain loyally devoted to Me until the end…. Amen
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Consider yourselves My students and accept My instructions: The spiritual as well as the earthly-material world are guided and held by My will. If My will did not hold them they would truly dissolve into nothing, for the thoughts I externalised as My creations were consolidated through My will so that they could continue as something 'created'. And this consolidated will manifested itself in the most varied creations or: Every work of creation was strength consolidated through My will which I emanated because it gave Me pleasure to express this strength in forms determined by My love and wisdom…. The act of creation was only an expression of My greater than great love, unsurpassed wisdom and infinite might…. The thoughts I externalised took on forms through My will, thus all works of creation were thoughts consolidated by My will…. And when it was My will these shaped thoughts became visible.... The first works of creation…. the beings I externalised…. were able to see each other and all the spiritual creations I brought forth to give them happiness. They found themselves in the midst of inconceivable splendours which, however, cannot be described to you in detail since they were spiritual creations which demonstrated My might and glory to the created beings and gave them great pleasure…. And once something had come into existence it could never perish again. However, it was possible for the beings to lose the ability of seeing these works. Nevertheless, they continued to exist, for they were spiritual creations which are and will remain forever….
Yet earthly matter, too, is strength consolidated through My will, but this only lasts until My will withdraws and the matter dissolves, i.e., the spiritual strength becomes invisible again as before, and My will reshapes it yet again as it best serves its purpose, which can happen many times as conceived by My wisdom and determined by My love. As an earthly-material form is dissolved the spiritual strength can certainly escape from it but it cannot cease to exist, whereas the matter as such will vanish as soon as it is no longer held firm by My will. And My will shall, time and again, withdraw from it because the task it has to fulfil is limited. It must be transient because, time and again, it has to release the spiritual substances which are to mature within matter according to the eternal plan. However, occasionally the human being also takes part in the dissolution of material creations, who can act in accordance with God's will but also in opposition to it, yet this free expression of will is permitted by God although the human being will have to justify his motives which prompted him to dissolve material works of creation…. For even these humanly accomplished dissolutions of matter can be good, that is‚ 'willed by God'…. They may, however, have been based on evil motives which do not comply with My will and are considered an offence against divine order. You must know this, too, in order to understand that no matter could exist were it not held together by My will, but that I do not hinder man's free will if it opposes Mine by trying to destroy matter…. Then he can certainly intervene in My work of creation but only to a limited extent, and even this wrong will was a determining factor for My plan of Salvation, or: I knew of it from the start and therefore based My plan of Salvation on this will. Material creations are transient and sometimes, therefore, incite the human being himself to intervene destructively and, depending on his reasons, with good or bad results, for My wisdom recognises the blessing which a dissolution of matter can entail, whereas the human being's will can reverse the effect of his actions to his own detriment or that of the spiritual substances still bound in matter; consequently, the human being will also have to justify himself if he has sinned against the eternal law of order. For I Myself bind and release.... and this in accordance with eternal law, in love and wisdom, for all power is at My disposal to do whatever My will determines…. Amen
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