Thursday, May 31, 2007



You have to know the purpose of your earthly life if your progress as a human being is to be successful and you want to reach the goal, if you once again want to become what you had been in the beginning.... You came forth from M e as supremely perfect beings, you were created in My image, endowed with all divine attributes, full of light and strength, and you were in constant contact with Me as your God and Creator, so that you were continuously able to receive light and strength from Me and thus were also indescribably happy. But your perfect nature also included free will or you could not have been called divine living creations. Consequently this free will had to open up two possibilities for you: to remain as perfect as I had created you, or to relinquish your perfection and change your nature into the opposite…. Thus you were meant to prove your 'divinity' by keeping the direction of your will in line with Mine, so that it totally merged with My will although it was completely free…. In that case, however, you also had to be capable of behaving to the contrary…. You also had to be able to fall away from Me as a sign of free will, if this was opposed to Me and My will.
I required My 'created' living beings to make this decision of will in order to be able to grant them even greater delights…. I required this decision of will of My first created being, the spirit of light, whom My greater than great love externalised and who, as My image, was intended to create and work with and beside Me in the spiritual kingdom. He had come forth from Me in supreme perfection, he was My image.... Yet one thing set him apart from Me: he received his strength from Me, whereas I was the source of strength Myself …. He certainly recognised this, for he possessed absolute realisation…. And so he was confronted by the test of will which required him to acknowledge Me as the source of strength from Which he constantly received his power…. However, his will and My strength had brought countless beings into existence, all of whom were of highest perfection, endowed with all gifts and free will which demonstrated their divine nature. And the awareness of having been the creator of all these beings made this first-created spirit, the bearer of light, arrogant, and in his arrogance he rebelled against Me.
Hence he did not pass the test of will but he voluntarily caused a separation from Me which, admittedly, was impossible to happen, because all created spirits would have perished in view of the fact that they are unable to exist without Me and My flow of strength…. but the bearer of light…. Lucifer…. deliberately turned away from Me, and therefore fell into the abyss, drawing with him a large number of beings which likewise were supposed to make a decision and deserted Me…. This occurrence, which took place in the spiritual kingdom, forms the basis of the 'creation of the world', of the countless different kinds of creations which I brought into being as the 'path of return' for the spirits, in order to guide all fallen spirits back to their origin again, in order to guide them back to Me, because they can only be happy again when they are united with Me, whereas the distance from Me signifies a state of utter wretchedness. I Am now trying to make this information accessible to you humans, for you are these fallen spirits which are on the path of return to Me and are approaching the goal. You had changed your once perfect nature into the opposite and became imperfect….
Even as human beings you are still imperfect creatures, but you are able to perfect yourselves during your earthly life if only you fulfil My will, if you fit in with My law of divine order, if you live a life of love and completely change your nature into love again, as it was in the beginning…. Love reunites you with Me, but you have to accept it from Me voluntarily again. You must not resist it when My love wants to illuminate you once more; you have to do your utmost in order to fulfil your task in earthly life, which solely consists of directing your will towards Me, of surrendering to Me and striving towards Me with love…. Then profound knowledge will be revealed to you, the darkness within you will recede, you will achieve bright realisation, understand all correlations and leave the state of wretchedness, you will enter into union with Me and in this unity find the former bliss again which you once voluntarily relinquished but which belongs to every being that once originated from Me as a radiant image of Myself… . and which it irrevocably will become again one day, because this has been and will remain the goal of My creation: to educate 'children' for Myself who can create and work with Me in supreme happiness…. Amen
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007






One law applies to all of you, that you shall love one another and thereby also prove your common bond with Me. And even if you are bothered by the thought that you have no inner bond with your fellow human being whom you should love, you shall nevertheless remember his soul which is still subject to the constraint of the body, and you shall know that the soul belongs to Me even if its will is still opposing Me. For you are all My children and therefore shall consider your fellow human being as your brother and strive towards the Father together. Love shall unite you, then you will demonstrate that you are children of the same Father. And this love shall stop you from every suspicion or judgment of your neighbour, love shall help you bear his every weakness and fault; you should only ever bear in mind that his soul can still have a low degree of maturity and the human being therefore behaves as he does, even if you dislike it. You should not pass harsh judgments for then you will also motivate Me to judge you in the same way, for not one of you is without fault, not one of you has as yet reached a degree of maturity which excludes imperfections and weaknesses, and yet I endure you with greater than great love and patience and don't pass harsh judgments upon you. And therefore I gave you the commandment: love your neighbour as yourselves.... If you fulfil this commandment of neighbourly love then you will spread a merciful veil across his faults and weaknesses, and you will only ever try to help him and only ever awaken mutual love in him if you let him feel your love.


With these Word I address all those of you who are still inclined to expose your neighbour's faults, for thereby you demonstrate your own lack of love which subsequently gives you no right to judge your neighbour. And by doing so you become sinful yourselves, for you contravene the commandment of love…. Therefore, if you want to be My children you must also make an effort to fulfil the Father's will, which only ever wants you to love one other or else you belong to My adversary, who is devoid of all love and always tries to influence you into opposing the law of love. And do you love your brother if you are angry with him? If you emphasise his flaws and weaknesses, if you judge him harshly? You must learn to endure his weakness and help him…. Then you will carry out My will, and then your conduct will also result in blessings, you will gain him as your friend, he will take your example to heart and will want to emulate you, and his inner being will be full of love for you as well, for love awakens love in response, and then you will also prove that you are the children of the same Father, Whose nature is pure love. And then My love will embrace you ever more closely and your hearts will become increasingly more willing to love, so that they will pass this love on to the next person and then you will indeed be My true children, as it is My will…. Amen


Tuesday, May 29, 2007



Understand that it only requires a sincere desire for truth in order to be able to receive it.... Yet this sincere desire is rarely to be found, even though every person claims to strive for truth. But this, too, is just something people say without spending any thought on it, given that the desire for truth ought to arise from deep within the heart and not leave the person again…. he should dread nothing more than falling prey to error, and therefore he has to approach Me in his heart and appeal to Me to impart the truth to him. And it will be given to him…. If, however, the human being has received knowledge and holds on to this knowledge without ever having checked that it is true, then it will also be difficult to offer him the truth if it does not correspond to his knowledge, for he will refuse to let go of his knowledge in exchange for the pure truth…. In that case he lacks the inner desire for truth, and he will also be incapable of examining it because he fails to make contact with Me, because he fails to appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment in order to be able to form a correct opinion. This is why it is not always possible to convey the pure truth to earth, this is why so much spiritual information is assumed to be true although it cannot lay claim to it. And yet it is endorsed as truth…. especially if it originated from the spiritual kingdom, if people believe that they definitely have received the truth. But since the recipient's sincere desire is a prerequisite for the conveyance of truth, the 'origin from the spiritual kingdom' does not always guarantee the truth of what is transmitted to earth…. rather, it necessitates serious examination. And this has to be conducted with Me, with My support.
For the spiritual kingdom also shelters beings of darkness or imperfect beings which still uphold the incorrect knowledge they have taken across from earth and which they just as eagerly endorse in the kingdom of the beyond as they have done on earth. The human being is unable to detach himself from what he loves even in the spiritual kingdom. And that is significant for his process of development, since it can last eternities until such a soul has liberated itself, until it finally starts to accept the truth. But it can influence people in the spiritual kingdom detrimentally if it finds willing people to whom it can mentally transmit wrong information or through statements made to people who consider themselves mediums who consciously establish contact from earth to the spiritual kingdom. Such contact can and will only be beneficial if the human being is governed by the sincere desire for truth and always appeals for support through My spirit…. Then there will be no risk, then the person will build a firm wall around himself which ignorant beings cannot overstep and only the world of light will have access to him, which will truly only impart the truth from Me because it works on My instructions and because it is My will that you shall be taught the pure truth….  
And everyone should examine himself as to what extent he wants the truth…. He shall fear error and always pray to Me for protection from it and his appeal will be granted, for I Myself want you humans to live in truth; I Myself want you to receive it, hence I will also provide you with the opportunity, always assuming that the same will for truth is inherent in you which is your certain protection from misguided spiritual information, from erroneous thinking and wrong interpretation of what you are offered. For the truth-desiring human being will also have the right power of judgment, because I convey it to him at the same time as the truth and therefore he is also able to examine the value of the spiritual information. I Myself Am the Truth, I Myself want to enter into contact with My living creations and thus I also want My living creations to live in truth…. And I will protect them from the influence of beings which try to spread error and disguise themselves as beings of light in order to deceive you into becoming victims of misconceptions. The close bond with Me also guarantees correct thinking, correct instruction, it guarantees you the transmission of truth through the spirit…. For the spiritual spark inside of you is part of Me, and it will truly instruct you correctly…. You should all endeavour to be directly taught by your spirit so that you won't need to abide by transmissions from the spiritual world which you cannot verify because you don't know the spiritual state of those who receive such channelled messages…. for there is always a great danger of interference by beings who lack realisation…. But wherever My spirit is at work you will know that I speak to you Myself and that I really impart the truth to you because I want My living creations on earth to live in truth…. because only through truth can they attain Me and therefore also bliss…. Amen

aprox.1100 individual Revelations:

33 booklets:
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
182 We are only guests on this earth
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

Monday, May 28, 2007






You all ought to make use of My love, you ought to know that you have a loving Father Who takes care of you and also grants you joys if they help you to become perfect. My love for My children is never-ending, and all of you who strive towards Me are My children, if you want Me to be your Father. And My love will never stop giving itself away, it will give you everything you need in an earthly as well as a spiritual way. And thus it is up to yourselves to make use of My Fatherly love, you need only open yourselves and allow yourselves to be spoken to by Me and surely, you will not remain empty-handed. For I still have much to say to you, because time is coming to an end and because everything will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. And you shall inform your fellow human beings of this…. although you will not often find receptive hearts which want to listen to you and believe you.


Nevertheless, the adversity of the time demands mentioning what will shortly come to pass…. And anyone who believes shall be saved, anyone who does not believe and does not prepare himself for the end will perish, i.e., he will meet his judgment when I establish My eternal order again…. when the end of this earth has come. And you humans approach this time with giant strides. And even My love cannot delay the end, because My love includes all spiritual substances, even those spirits which are still bound and shall start or continue their evolutionary process. The fact that people generally fail and make no use of their earthly life in order to mature their souls is their own fault, their free will, and consequently the reason why I cannot divert from My plan of Salvation and leave the still unredeemed spirits in pain. But I will truly still do everything possible to help people find a way out of their spiritual adversity.... I will keep talking to people through you and refer them to the time which lies ahead of them…. I will come to them openly as well as secretly and allow them to recognise Me so that they cannot say that they have not been warned. 


And anyone who thus professes Me, who tries to fulfil My will, can also rest assured that he belongs to My Own, that I grant him My love, that I will protect and take care of him until the end of the world.... until the battle has come to an end which is still to come to you humans: the battle of faith, which will be provoked by My adversary because he will rage amongst My Own until the end in order to make them desert Me again. His goal is to destroy the remaining faith which still exists amongst humanity. But this faith is by and large rather weak, and that is why I want to strengthen it by means of My direct communication, so that the faith will become firm and persevere unwaveringly when My name is confessed before the world. Whomever I can address Myself to.... be it directly or through My messengers, will gain a living faith and no threats will frighten him, because he has recognised his Father and cannot let go of Him anymore.


But anyone without a living faith will surrender it for the sake of earthly things, and he will even lose his life to My adversary…. he will be like a reed waving in the wind and blessed is he if he can still lift himself up with your help, if he allows himself to be taught by you and still finds his way back to Me in the last hour. For I will accept anyone who still comes to Me in the last hour, because I don't want you to go astray, because I want to grant eternal life to all of you. This is why My Word shall still be eagerly spread, this is why I want to address you time and again, I want to speak through you to people Myself who usually open their hearts to Me voluntarily. But you can knock at their heart's door on My behalf, and if I then come Myself and they open their door to Me I will also speak to them Myself and they will be very happy. For My love will never stop, and anyone who gives his love to Me will receive gifts in abundance from Me, I will make him very happy in a spiritual and earthly way, for then his soul cannot be harmed anymore, then it will be devoted to Me and will never be able to detach itself from Me either…. For its love applies to Me and is warmly reciprocated by Me, and it will be and remain blissfully happy forever…. Amen




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Saturday, May 26, 2007






My strength of love flows into every human heart when it opens itself to receive it. And My strength of love causes the spark of love to ignite itself and the flame to leap towards Me, the Father-Spirit of eternity. And thus the path to Me is unimpeded, it was started purely by the will to be illuminated by Me and My love, in other words, anyone with a positive attitude towards Me, anyone who believes in Me and wants to stay in contact with Me, will also receive My divine strength of love. And then he will advance in his development, for this is the effect of My strength. Hence the human being first has to believe in a God and Creator and recognise himself as My living creation, for only then will his desire awaken to enter into contact with Me, and then he will open himself to Me, thus willingly allowing himself to be illuminated by My strength of love, for only this willingness is required for it to happen. But it is difficult for a person to be affected by this ray of love if he does not believe in Me, if he merely regards himself to be a product of nature and therefore never establishes a bond either, because he refuses to acknowledge a Being Which has created him.


An extraordinary occurrence could certainly allow him to gain faith in Me, yet he may never be compellingly influenced or his faith would be worthless. And all proof of My existence is compelling. Even My Word would be compelling evidence were I to speak to people directly from above, so that everyone would have to hear My voice and believe in Me…. Such faith, however, is of no value.... Yet My Word is conveyed to humanity all the same, I merely avail Myself of a human form and speak through it directly…. but I leave each person the freedom to believe or disbelief whether these Words are spoken by a supremely perfect Being…. Free will is always decisive, and faith can never be forcibly attained. And even if I Myself revealed the most profound wisdom to people it would nevertheless not suffice to persuade a person into believing in Me if he doesn't want to….


Alternatively, however, it is enough to give evidence of Myself to a person.... The human being can gain such convinced faith through My Word that no power of hell can take it away from him. For My Word is an illumination of love which can touch the human heart, which can trigger the love that grants him radiant enlightenment…. And then love will be pushing towards love.... Then a light will be kindled within the heart, the radiance of which dissolves all that is dark, which completely drives away the darkness…. which bestows a living faith upon a person, which is unshakable and withstands every onslaught that time and again is launched by hostile forces…. And thus it will always be up to the human being himself as to whether he allows himself to be touched by My ray of love, for he has to open himself voluntarily…. he has to want to enter into contact with Me as his God and Creator; he has to believe that he has emerged from the hand of a perfect Being and that he cannot sever the connection with this Being…. Then he will acknowledge Me, and only then will he look for Me and I will let Myself be found…. Amen



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presently approx.1100 individual Revelations:

33 booklets:
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
182 We are only guests on this earth
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days


Friday, May 25, 2007



You are guided into truth by My spirit.... Since I spoke these Words to you humans Myself it must therefore be possible for you to live in truth and thus you cannot say: No one knows what and where the truth is…. You just have to seriously think about the problem of how you can arrive at the truth. A truth exists which is irrefutable, which comes forth from Me as the 'Eternal Truth Itself' and which will never change. And you have to approach this primary source of truth yourselves by wanting to get hold of the truth from its origin…. from Me Myself…. I know everything, I know all correlations, nothing is concealed from Me, and I also want you, as My living creations, to know everything…. I want you to become as illuminated as I Am…. I want you to know where you came from and the goal you ought to reach. Your fellow human beings, however, are unable to inform you of this unless they have received this knowledge from Me.
However, many people claim to be knowledgeable and also try to convince their fellow human beings of what they have acquired through intellectual study. But their intellectual conclusions do not correspond to the truth as long as they have not approached Me directly for enlightenment of their thoughts…. as long as they have only applied their intellect…. And then the justifiable objection can be raised: No human being knows what and where the truth is.... But God knows and therefore also the person to whom God imparts the truth…. And I have told you that My spirit will guide you into truth, and My Word is and will remain truth….
But far too little attention is paid to this Word of Mine, the great promise I thereby gave to humanity is not being recognised…. For they have no interest whatsoever to be instructed in the 'truth' but unreservedly accept everything as truth that is presented to them by their fellow human beings, or they reject all credibility of it. And that signifies a major spiritual decline. For every person must possess spiritual knowledge, and therefore everyone should want to have the right spiritual knowledge. This determination alone will take him closer to the truth, for I will not let a person live in darkness if he desires to become enlightened…. I will intervene Myself and direct his thoughts such that he will start to search and take the path to the right source.... I Myself will offer the truth to him, if not directly then through My messengers, which he then will also recognise as My messengers, for I only require the desire for truth in order to be able to distribute it, because I want people to live in the truth, because I want them to be instructed through My spirit, if only they are of good will. But then a person will no longer doubt the truth of what is imparted to him by My spirit, and he will also remember My Words 'But the comforter, which is the holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you….'
Hence you also have a criterion insofar as that you will hear the same Words from Me through the spirit which I spoke to people when I lived on earth…. And thereby you can recognise who speaks to you and then also believe with conviction that it is I Myself Who makes His promise come true, Who instructs you through His spirit…. And it will remind you of many a Word I spoke to people Myself. And then you should also seriously consider every one of My Words because they are God's Words which will never pass away, even if heaven and earth shall pass away…. And if you thus believe these Words of Mine unreservedly then you will penetrate the truth ever deeper, for then you will live accordingly, and you will experience the effect that you are not just hearers but doers of My Word…. You will experience the effect of love which is preached to you through My Word time after time and which will grant you enlightenment, so that you will grow in realisation, so that you will attain the knowledge again which you had lost…. so that you will completely live in truth again because you have entered into association with the Eternal Truth Itself…. Which guided you into the right knowledge, as I promised you…. Amen
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Thursday, May 24, 2007



And thus you will be constantly reminded that I died for you on the cross… I will always remind you humans on earth and all souls in the beyond who are still unredeemed, or I will bring the knowledge to you if you are not yet aware of it, because you should not be without knowledge if ever you want to achieve beatitude. Of what use is it to humanity to know about 'Jesus the man', Who ended His earthly life by being crucified, if you do not know about the spiritual significance of His crucifixion, about the mission the human being Jesus had accomplished for the sake of humanity's sins? Even if you are told 'He redeemed humanity from sin...' you will not be able to find any connection, and thus they remain mere words whose meaning you do not understand. As long as you do not know the reason for your human existence on this earth you will not be able to understand why humanity is called sinful, either… albeit none of you are without sin. But Jesus Christ's act of Salvation only becomes significant when you know of the original sin, which is the cause of your earthly existence per se… The magnitude of this sin cannot be compared to the sinfulness of human beings, even if the latter is only the consequence of the former. But all sins a person commits on earth could eventually be compensated by him on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond, no matter how much time it might take to do so…
However, it is not possible for you humans to make amends for the original sin, neither during your earthly existence nor in the kingdom of the beyond, because this original sin did not consist of an offence by an already imperfect being. It was committed by superlatively perfect beings who suffered no lack of enlightenment, who merely allowed themselves to be controlled by the sensation that they could surpass Me… who became arrogant, due to their abundance of light and strength… A being cannot make amends for this sin because its magnitude is beyond measure and eternity would not suffice to be released from this guilt… Due to this sin the beings fell into the deepest abyss, i.e. they lost light and strength and changed into the opposite, so to speak: they lost all divine qualities and, instead, accepted all evil qualities and instincts, they became My opponents … until their spiritual substance hardened completely and they lost awareness of themselves… And now I banished this hardened spiritual substance into the form, i.e. I dissolved it into countless spiritual particles and placed these into countless works of creation, which My love, power and wisdom had created purely for the purpose of guiding this fallen spiritual substance back to Me again, since it had been destined to become blissfully happy and can only find bliss with Me. Although this passing through the creation is also an act of atonement of this immense guilt, it takes place in a compulsory state, in a constrained will, and can therefore not be considered as compensation for this guilt…
Hence the being eventually has to get into a position once again where it has the desire to liberate itself from its guilt voluntarily, when it can be given sufficient knowledge that it had offended and that there is nevertheless a way to be liberated from this tremendous guilt… It needs to know that this is the path to the cross, that liberation from the original sin is only possible by acknowledging the Divine Saviour and His act of Salvation and that this has to be done during earthly life in order to be readmitted after the death of the body in the kingdom of light, which is the true home of every person on earth. But even in the beyond My merciful love still cares for the souls who languish in the abyss. They are informed of My act of Salvation even in the beyond and there, too, they can follow the path to Me in Jesus Christ. However, they are no longer able to achieve the elevated degree of perfection, which they could have achieved on earth by acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour the world, in Whom I had embodied Myself in order to receive the recognition they had previously denied Me. You humans have to know about the great significance of the act of Salvation, you should not merely mention the name of Jesus as the name of a human being, Who had once lived on earth with exalted ethical aims… He lived on earth for the purpose of an important mission and you should try to understand this as long as you are still confounded by it, because it depends on your understanding and good will whether your earthly progress will be successful, whether the kingdom, which is your true home, will admit you again… Amen
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007






The human being shall believe but he shall not believe blindly.... he shall form a mental opinion about everything he is required to believe and then let his heart decide whether to reject or accept it. This is what I expect of people, but I Am not content with blind faith when the demand of such signifies a coercion of will, as I gave people completely free will. And you always have to bear the human being's freedom of will in mind, then you will also recognise whether a doctrine has originated from Me, for I gave you humans absolute freedom, I gave you no other commandments apart from the divine commandments of love, the fulfilment of which, however, also presuppose free will. So now I want to guide you into bliss, and for that reason I repeatedly convey My Word to you…. I instruct you and familiarise you with spiritual knowledge…. and once again it is up to you to believe it or not…. Yet you have to form your own opinion about it, you have to think about it and have the good intention to recognise and accept what is right. I don't expect you to blindly believe what you receive through My Word; yet I expect you to scrutinise it before you make a judgment, and after serious examination you will also recognise the truth of what you are presented with, and then you will no longer believe blindly.


But I cannot absolve many people from the accusation of having accepted spiritual values without checking them and then holding on to them…. which, after serious consideration, they would have had to recognise as being untrue…. Many people are satisfied with what was handed on to them by way of tradition, and they deem it wrong to dwell on it because this is what they were also taught…. But how do they want to justify themselves one day? Every human being received from Me the gift of faculty of thought, but does he make use of it? Why does he scrutinise the value of earthly commodities but refrains from doing so with spiritual goods? Why is the salvation of his soul of so little significance to each individual person that he would anxiously ask himself whether he can rely on the fact that he was offered the truth? Why is he indifferent to the 'truth'? For truly, anyone who desires the truth will not live in darkness…. And this state of indifference can be found wherever any kind of spiritual knowledge is unreservedly and without scrutiny accepted because it originates from a specific source…. and precisely this source was not made accessible by Me, or the human being would live in truth and also clearly recognise it as such as soon as he forms an opinion of it. You, however, accept and believe blindly, and thus you strengthen the power of the one who is My adversary, who wants to push you into darkness and keep you there.... For you have dedicated yourselves to an organisation but not to Me, Who in fact wants to guide you to the light….


However, you have free will and therefore I have never proceeded forcibly but left the decision to you, and as long as you have searched for Me in all sincerity I allow Myself to be found and kindle a bright light in you which also clearly illuminates My adversary's activity. And every person can possess this light by just desiring the light…. But it involves the sincere will to be released from My adversary and this necessitates a close bond with Me…. And thus you need only ask yourselves whether you…. who believe blindly because you are told to do so…. feel impelled towards Me…. No one having sought this close bond with Me has remained empty-handed, for I reveal Myself to everyone and grant him the enlightenment which illumines his path ahead. For if he is searching for Me then love is in him too, which soon will bestow upon him the correct realisation. And thus he will also be able to separate error from truth, he will no longer believe blindly, his bond with Me will release him from My adversary, who will no longer be able to keep a person in darkness once he has seen the light, which makes him happy and only increases his desire for more light…. And he will free himself from the influence of those who pretend to be My true representatives on earth, who do not live in truth themselves and therefore cannot distribute it either…. who exert spiritual coercion on their followers, which can never correspond to My will, because earthly life is a matter of the human being's free decision of will which is being prevented by the former…. Amen





presently approx.1100 individual Revelations:

33 booklets:
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
182 We are only guests on this earth
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



You will become increasingly more aware of how urgently you need help, which no human being on earth can provide for you. For you will be overwhelmed by such an obvious impact of forces which only I will be able to stop…. be they natural or fateful events which human help cannot resolve but which have to happen to you humans if I still want to win you before the end. You will hear increasingly more often about accidents and natural disasters, and as long as you are not affected yourselves they sadly all too often will pass you by without having particularly affected you. And yet they could suffice to make you think, and you could be spared the same fate yourselves.
But your indifference often forces Me to let the same hardship and misfortune happen to you as well, because I only want to achieve that you appeal to Me for help…. that you turn to Me in your adversity and learn to recognise that there is only One Who can and will help you if you ask Him to. As long as your daily life proceeds without specific incident your indifference is frightening…. towards Me as well as towards your fellow human beings in distress. If, however, you are affected yourselves then you will wake up and take stock of yourselves. And yet, one day could be as peaceful as the other with the right attitude towards Me, if you would enter into a Father and child relationship with Me, which would assure you of the Father's constant protection…. Therefore, don't be surprised if time and again you humans are rudely awakened by most significant events…. don't ask yourselves why a God can be so cruel but know that your indifference and obstinacy prompt Me to use these very methods which appear cruel to you, and yet are only intended for your own good.

What you find almost impossible to believe will happen, and time after time catastrophes will claim great numbers of human victims. And if you consider the approaching end you will also understand everything. Yet how few believe in this end, and how great is the number of those whose unbelief forces Me to use other methods in order to still save them before this end. And therefore you should at all times be prepared for surprises which will only ever trigger dread and fear…. they cannot be prevented because I don't want to let go of those who have not yet entered into a relationship with Me. And they have to be dealt with firmly. But even the most severe suffering and most dreadful experience can be a blessing for them providing they take the path towards Me Who then will also want to give evidence of Himself, so that they will learn to believe in Me and My love for them…. Amen




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Monday, May 21, 2007






Wait in all humility for what I must send upon humanity for its own benefit and what will also lead to the brightest realisation in yourselves, hence this preparation time must happen first. I Am by no means a God of wrath even if the forthcoming event appears to make it look that way, in fact, you will all experience My love far more which will protect you from extreme danger; but then I will also clearly highlight My Own, I will draw so much attention to them that their fellow human beings shall realise where they can appeal for real help, for I want to win people over for Myself and not lose them to the adversary. Nevertheless, the damage will be huge and countless people will lose their lives, yet it will benefit many who will still be able to catch up in the kingdom of the beyond on what they had failed to do on earth…. so that they will still be able to reach the light if they are of good will. And you can all believe that soon afterwards the end will follow but that I will still grant you humans a time of grace because the end signifies a drastic turning point in the spiritual process of development of the beings which ought to mature fully on this earth.


For this reason I have chosen servants for Myself who shall loudly proclaim the forthcoming end after the natural disaster.... For this reason I constantly pour out My spirit and through awakened people draw attention to everything that is due to happen shortly. And I only instruct them to spread My Word and, where possible, also to mention these events which intend to reveal My might as well as My love, for people shall know that a God is enthroned above them Who holds their fate in His hands. And anyone who is chosen by Me as a proclaimer of My Word must also have been chosen by Me as a recipient of My Word, and thus you can utterly believe him, even if it seems implausible what he proclaims on My instruction. For I will provide an obvious sign that He is My messenger, My representative, who shall speak on My behalf…. He will always be guided through anything, no matter what happens, he will not need to fear illness and death as long as he has not completed his mission, and I Myself will lay out his path which will lead him to where many people can hear him so that, when the time has come, he will loudly and publicly speak about Me and My Word….


Until a great light begins to shine when the battle between light and darkness will openly erupt…. when the battle of faith will be waged in an extremely brutal way…. then this light will flare up so as to strengthen all those who work in My vineyard…. Then they will be able to draw strength from it and work even more diligently for Me and My kingdom. And this light will come when the last phase begins, when I have spoken from above, when people's situation has become chaotic and the separation of the spirits starts…. for or against Me…. And then I will give great strength to the weak, I will give strength to all who need it, and I will be their Leader in the battle against the enemy of souls…. and truly, I will be and eternally remain victorious and you, too, may rejoice at the victory over him…. You will be liberated from him and thus can live in peace in the paradise of the new earth…. Amen
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Sunday, May 20, 2007






Though I Am ruler indeed over heaven and earth and no being shall be capable of opposing Me, yet I do not contest My adversary's right within the domain which is his kingdom: the terrestrial world which harbours everything that still belongs to him and where he can exercise his influence when the developing spiritual essence has reached the human stage…. Then he will pursue this spiritual essence…. the human being…. in every way in order to prevent his development and to pull him down into the abyss again, from where he had worked his way up by means of an infinitely long process…. Then he is, in fact, lord over his world….


And this explains why I allow so many disasters, why I don't intervene where the adversary's activities are so clearly apparent…. He has a right to you humans because you once followed him voluntarily into the abyss; and he also exercises his right in order to dominate you. But you can resist him yourselves since you possess free will. And you do not lack strength either, if only you ask Me for it. But My adversary's activity will not be prevented by Me. For the physical world is his share…. even all matter, over which he has no control, is part of him because it harbours the fallen spiritual substance, which is only temporarily beyond his control due its constraint in matter.  But as soon as it lives on earth as a human being he can exercise his power over it again without being hindered by Me…. And he truly makes full use of it….


Yet in Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour, he has a very powerful opponent indeed…. And every human being can turn to Him in order to be liberated from the enemy of souls. For Jesus is stronger than he is, and He delivers every soul from his power which simply appeals to Him for it and with its prayer demonstrates its faith in Him and His act of Salvation, which thereby also acknowledges Myself, Who in Jesus Christ became a human being in order to redeem all fallen spirits. Thus the adversary's power on earth is great indeed, and yet in Jesus Christ he finds his Master…. And regardless of how much control he has over people, in Jesus Christ they nevertheless have a Redeemer and Saviour from his domination…. Thus the human being cannot expect that I, his God and Creator of eternity, will curtail My adversary's activity, that I will prevent him from carrying out disgraceful actions, because I will not, by any means, remove his right to influence a person in order to hold on to him….  The human being himself, however, does not have to tolerate it, for he can always turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His help to be released from his prison guard, to become free from the power to which he, however, will succumb without the help of Jesus Christ. 


How often do you humans say 'Why does God allow this?....' I do not prevent My adversary's activity because you once accepted his domination yourselves and he is still your lord today if you don't want to free yourselves and approach Jesus Christ for salvation from him. But I also know what serves you and each individual soul best…. I know the nature of every individual soul, I know what it needs in order to mature fully, and even the dark world has to be of service to Me, for I also know how to direct the effects of the dark forces' actions such that they will be successful for people's souls who are willing to get released from his power and strive towards Me.


And this is always determined by the person's will, since this is free…. As long as the spiritual substance is still bound within the works of creation My adversary is unable to influence it; but in the human stage he has the right to do so because it involves the being's free decision which the adversary wants to win for himself. Hence he takes advantage of every opportunity, and the human being is at his mercy the further away he is from Me, the less often he establishes contact with Me, or: As long as he does not acknowledge Jesus Christ by seeking sanctuary with Him in his distress, he is at the mercy of the opposing power, which nevertheless is determined by his own free will.


I certainly have the power and can prevent anything, including the adversary's activities, but then the human being's life on earth would be in vain, where he has to freely choose between Me and him. But you humans should also understand that and why difficult tests are given to you, that and why he often causes you extreme distress and I don't stop him, because you yourselves do not turn to Me for help and this is the real purpose of every adversity, which I therefore allow so that you will find your way to Me….


Yet you can rest assured that I will not leave you on your own and will help you if you try to get away from him and trustingly flee to Me and thereby also acknowledge Me as your God and Father…. when you call upon Jesus for forgiveness of your guilt and for deliverance from the enemy, who also fights in order not to lose you…. Yet truly, My might is greater, and if you call upon Me in spirit and in truth you will indeed get released from him and your earthly life will not have been in vain…. Amen

Saturday, May 19, 2007



Time will tell how much strength rests within My Word.... for hearts will feel addressed by Me and flare up with love for Me Who reveals Himself as a Father, because I want to be united with My children and therefore send My ray of love into the hearts of those who are of good will. Yet it entirely depends on this will as to whether people recognise the Father's voice. The least amount of resistance will diminish the strength of My Word, and this resistance occurs in a person who is still without love. Then he will not let himself be addressed by Me, and then My Word remains without effective strength, then it will sound no different to him than a human word and he will reject it.
However, My children listen to My Word, and thus I instruct My children: Free yourselves from misguided ideas by appealing to Me directly for truth and enlightenment of your thinking. You try too soon to penetrate areas which I still keep closed to you…. you come to conclusions which are nevertheless fallacies…. you think about things which cannot be revealed to you as yet…. You rack your brain about the forerunner's fate and arrival.... And you come to the wrong conclusion. For I have told you, you will recognise him…. and that means that you will no longer have to ask but know who he is when he appears.
But until the time for his activity has come you don't need to look for him or suspect him to be one of your fellow human beings…. for he will come from where you least expect him. He is not a child of the world, he lives like any other human being yet his thoughts and wishes concern Me although he is not aware of his mission yet. But his spirit will brightly enlighten him about his mission and himself when the time is right for his appearance. And I tell you that it will still be some time before this happens…. He will be so illuminated that his light will radiate in all directions and that all of you, who want to be of service to Me, will warm yourselves in his light when the time of the spiritual hardship comes, when the last phase before the end begins: when the battle of faith erupts…. Until then, however, don't believe every spirit who deems himself to know more about it, for if this knowledge were necessary I would instruct you of it Myself. But handle with care what comes to you through human mouth and don't let yourselves be deceived, for the 'spirit of God' does not contradict itself, and you should scrutinise yourselves where My spirit is active, because I don't compel you to believe and it is up to you which spirit you accept as true. 
I have indeed announced the forerunner to you and that he will come again as a voice in the wilderness before My second coming, but he is yet to appear because a short time still has to pass when diligent work should be done for My kingdom, and because you would set yourselves a time when his appearance should be obvious…. I still keep the time of his arrival veiled, for then My coming will also be certain, then the end is close, for he will only be active for a short time on earth which, however, will suffice to shock people out of their deadly rigidity. And the purpose of his coming is to save those who are still undecided…. To strengthen those who want to remain faithful to Me…. and to announce My coming…. And although this time is not far away, a few short phases have yet to pass…. but then what was proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture will be fulfilled…. Amen
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presently approx.1100 individual Revelations:

33 booklets:
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
182 We are only guests on this earth
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

Friday, May 18, 2007



My mission on earth was accomplished when I ascended to heaven…
I had delivered the world from sin and death, I had risen again and appeared to My disciples to strengthen them for their journey to proclaim the Gospel... I Myself was full of light and strength and could now leave the earth in order to return to My kingdom from whence I had come… to the kingdom of light and bliss… Because My body had been transformed. It was My spiritual garment which was no longer subject to the laws of nature, but now the body could go to wherever it was moved by My will. Because it was spirit just like My eternal Father-Spirit, which was not tied to a form either but which permeated the entire universe and thus also Myself, Jesus the human being, Who had received the eternal Deity within Himself to give It a human form. This was necessary because It wanted to live amongst people, but the form was still subject to natural law and had to acquire a high degree of maturity first in order to receive the eternal Deity…
My mission was over now, and testimony of this act of Ascension to heaven should be givenas well, because it was the culmination, it was evidence for humanity that I had achieved a work of transformation of Myself which could be visibly proven… for I disregarded all natural laws when I ascended to heaven, and I surrounded Myself with all glory and yet was visible to My disciples… I gave them the strength to behold Me, otherwise they would truly have passed away. But only those disciples who were closely connected to Me through their love and who thus had the degree of maturity which enabled such vision were allowed to see Me. And many a soul returns from earth into the kingdom of light in the same state, and they too are able to behold Me in all My splendour and magnificence, because their degree of maturity facilitates spiritual vision. Because they too have no more limitations… they too will be clothed in all glory, they may behold God face to face and now live in their original state, in love, which is both light and strength, and this is their spiritual garment, which may be worn by every soul as soon as it departs from earthly life and enters the kingdom of the beyond fully matured … And this is what you should believe, you should not doubt the love and might of your God and Father, Who will one day endow you with a state of blessedness which will remain inconceivable to you as long as you still live on earth.
However, I have set you an example of what a human being can achieve by living a life of selfless love and what his fate will be if he has always lived on earth in accordance with My will. If his way of life changes his being into love, which will then be the same as My fundamental nature, he too will shine in all brightness and magnificence and also be visible to all who have the same level of maturity and who will have then united with Me, Who is and remains a Being that eternally emanates light and strength… The event of Ascension really and truly took place, the human being Jesus gave the last proof of His Divinity on earth when He left this earth in a brilliant abundance of light and returned to the kingdom from whence His soul had come … Because He had come from the kingdom of light, He had been with God and He returned to God again, Whose child He was and continued to be, with Whom He completely merged. Thus, the Ascension was the final proof that I was not of this earth but that I had descended from the kingdom of light and glory, which became My goal once more and which eternally will be and remain your goal too, because you also shall return to the light. You shall, through unification with Me, be allowed to receive My light and My strength anew and thus rise again and ascend into heaven, into your true home… Amen
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:
presently approx.1100 individual Revelations:

33 booklets:
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
182 We are only guests on this earth
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

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