Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Let it be said to all of you that every day the time you have left until the end is getting shorter…. that the time of grace, in which you can work and create after your own will, will soon be over. All your work and activity should only just relate to the salvation of your souls, you should only consider your souls and put aside all worldly things, for when you take care of your soul’s salvation everything else you require will be given to you, so that you would nevertheless be maintained without your own effort. But your soul’s salvation is in great danger by living your earthly life as you do now.... by only paying attention to worldly things and forgetting that your lifetime will soon be over. You keep going with the wrong attitude and just consider your body, even if you want to present yourselves to the world as ‘Christians’…. You do not live with Christ, Who is and wants to remain your eternal salvation, but Who can only be united with you if you live a life of love…. You still love yourselves too much, for all you think about is to improve your standard of life; you just try to please your body….
But do you consider your soul and what it needs to become blessed? After all, you know that you will not stay on earth forever, that you can be called away even tomorrow, and that then only the state of your soul will determine the fate that is awaiting it in the kingdom of the beyond. Then all the things the body had owned and the person will have to leave behind in this world will be worthless. Then all efforts for the sake of the body and its comfort will have been futile, but the soul stands poor and needy at the gate of eternity…. If only you humans would bear the soul’s unhappy state in mind, if only you would seriously think more often about your hour of death, and if only you would believe that the short time of grace you were given as a reprieve in order to change will soon be over….
Every day can bring riches to your soul if you live fully in the right way, if you do kind deeds, if you radiate love and kindness to your fellow human beings and help where your help is required; if you make contact with your eternal Father in prayer, if you establish the right relationship with Him like a child with its father…. It need not be a sacrifice for you, you can truly lead a God-pleasing life, yet you have to think of Him more often, you should not exclusively spend your thoughts on the world and its demands, you must always realise that everything the world can offer you is transient, but that everything which comes from God will last forever…. And in order to receive something from God which you can keep as a spiritual treasure, you will have to establish a connection with Him and remain in contact through prayer and loving actions…. Not much is asked of you but without this heartfelt bond you will always remain poor, and at the time of death your soul will be very deprived and miserable….
And yet, it cannot be given anything that it has not acquired itself.... For this reasons you humans can only ever be warned and admonished not to walk through life irresponsibly but always think about the hour of your death, when you have to give account of how you have utilised your earthly life for the benefit of your souls…. Take stock of yourselves, think things over and strive towards the maturity of your soul, and you shall always receive help if only you verify to God your good will of coming closer to Him in order to one day being allowed to stay with Him completely once your soul has become worthy of it…. Amen
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
As a result of My adversary’s influence people have adopted a completely wrong attitude…. They themselves created gods next to Me, and they dance around these gods but do not remember the one God, from Whom they once apostatised and to Whom they have to return of their own free will. They direct their will wrongly because My adversary knows how to place deceptive lights before their eyes, because he himself hides behind the disguise and thus demands divine admiration of people.... He puts these apparitions into motion, he also tries to take advantage of genuine visions by truly devout people for his purposes by inciting the masses to believe that an exceedingly sacred and pure being had revealed itself, although it would never manifest itself in this manner…. But people want to believe it and cannot be prevented to do so. But a light shall also always be given to you who desire the pure truth. You should not let it baffle you because My adversary will yet cause other things to happen, and he will always aim to get the masses on his side. This should already be an indication to you who hides behind unusual activities and appearances, for I will always work away from the public eye, and even My messengers of light will never make themselves the centre of attraction. Yet only little attention is given to My activity, My adversary’s activity, however, will always move the whole world, which already gives evidence of him and thereby he can also be recognised …. Amen
Thursday, January 25, 2007
If someone could take a look into the depth of hell, into the domain of the prince of hell, he would not be surprised by the actions these beings are capable of doing. For they are all subject to My adversary’s aggression, and their own nature is so similar to his own that they always agree with him and thus are only too willingly his servants. The area of their dreadful activity is extensive…. It exists wherever there are people whom they try to influence into behaving and thinking as badly as themselves. But this area belongs to Me too, because everything emerged from My strength: humanity, as the once created original spirits, as well as the works of creation, which now serve as an abode for human beings and the spiritual substances which are not yet allowed to embody themselves as human beings. Thus My adversary and his vassals have no power over these works of creations, but they can influence the human being, and they do so most comprehensively. They try to influence his will into giving in to them.... Yet they cannot force the human will. Nevertheless, it is in great danger if it does not resist this corruptive influence.
It is in great danger and nevertheless not aware of it. For if he could grasp My adversary’s and his followers’ whole plan and their abysmal evilness he would be on his guard, he would stay awake and pray…. The adversary, however, knows how to deceive people by approaching them as a friend, although he is and remains their greatest enemy and only plans their ruin. Hence he seeks to offer a person whatever he desires for his human existence, first he entices him with earthly goods and pleasures, and few people are able to resist these temptations. And thus he succeeds in kindling material greed, and then they are usually already taken in by him, since they find it difficult to let got of it, they need help and do not approach the One, Who could help them…. But this is not enough for My adversary, because he wants to own people’s souls completely again, he even wants to turn those who are almost set to return to Me into his servants again. Therefore he tempts them to commit evil deeds, which force them completely back into his power once more. And his accomplices support him, their poisonous breath weakens the resistance even where these beings’ influences could not penetrate fully.
If these emissaries of hell and their prince would show their intention openly they could certainly be recognised and would also meet with resistance.... But they work in secret, they hide behind the mask of virtue..... indeed, they do not shy away from using a cloak which is supposed to pretend purity and integrity…. And thereby they also win people who are not willing to fall into the hands of their souls’ enemy. But these lack watchfulness and fail to send the right prayer in spirit and in truth to Me …. They have already become too superficial themselves or they could not be taken in by these deceptions, or they could recognise the enemy in spite of his mask. Their will for good, their desire for Me, is not strong enough in those who allow themselves to be deceived. For I will truly protect anyone who does not want to be deceived, and I certainly will not let them be taken in by him if their will remains totally focussed on Me. My adversary works with cunning and trickery. This is well-known to all people, and therefore every person should be watchful and not let himself be surprised by artful trickery…. He should always come to Me and ask Me for clarification, he should at all times commend himself to Me and My protection. Then the adversary will not be able to deceive him and the person’s will itself would have warded off the danger, which cannot be forced by My adversary but which will always be strengthened by Me if he stays firmly focussed on Me. And this option is available to everyone, because everyone is informed of My Word, which expresses My will…. and which is the most effective protection and strongest weapon against the one, who wants to corrupt him…. Amen
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Every person who proclaims the Gospel to the souls…. who tries to bring My Word consisting of the divine teachings of love to his fellow human beings, contributes towards their redemption…. Everyone who reminds his fellow human beings to love proclaims this Gospel when he simultaneously teaches that these are the most important commandments I have given to people, and when he informs them of the results of fulfilling these commandments. Everything that contributes towards educating people to love is already redemption work, because the human being redeems himself through love alone and because love has to be practised in order to thus enable the salvation of one’s own soul…. For love will always seek contact with Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who only now can bring true redemption to the person believing in Him….
The human being has to find Jesus Christ without fail because redemption without Him is impossible.... And thus every person renders redemption work if he points or leads his fellow human beings to Jesus Christ…. This is vineyard work, it is a spreading of the seed…. which is the divine teaching of love…. into the human hearts. It is a conscious effort performed by a person for the benefit of his fellow human beings’ souls.
Anyone who has found Jesus Christ himself, who has found redemption from sin and death through Him, will then not grow tired of proclaiming Him to his fellow human beings and will also help him to become redeemed…. anyone who has found Jesus Christ will not rest until his fellow human being has found Him too, and thus he will keep talking about love and inspire his fellow human being to also take the path of love which has Jesus Christ as its goal…. He will not rest until the other person has also found deliverance from sin and death.
As long as the human being is still distanced from the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ his love has not yet become powerful in him, for this love knows and acknowledges the divine Redeemer and cannot help but proclaim Him…. And he who has found Jesus Christ can’t help himself but to proclaim His Gospel of love to everyone he comes into contact with.... He will be constantly active on His behalf and thereby lead many souls to Me, for he makes My Word accessible to them, which is the task of everyone who receives My Word himself, who desires it and to whom I therefore speak…. irrespective of whether this happens directly or through reading or hearing My Word. For it is always Myself Who speaks to you humans if you desire to hear My Word.... This is why proclaiming My Gospel is extremely necessary, and everyone will be blessed who accepts this mission of helping to redeem his fellow human being’s soul, of making the knowledge accessible to him of how and why he has to be redeemed if he wants to become happy one day….
Anyone who lives with love has found Jesus Christ and the light of realisation shines in him.... but anyone who is not yet redeemed has to be educated, the image of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has to be brought home to him and he has to be reminded to turn to and appeal to Him that he, too, should find redemption through Him and His act of Salvation…. And therefore every person spreading My Gospel throughout the world is blessed, for he leads long lost souls to Me who will find salvation through Jesus Christ Himself, Who has redeemed him, too, with His blood…. Amen
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
It is My will that you should not be afraid but only ever believe in a loving and almighty God and Father, Who will not leave you in distress. Fear, however, is insufficient faith. Fear does not know God’s love and omnipotence Who wants to be your Father …. For as soon as you believe that I love you like a father loves his children you will also be convinced that I will not let anything happen to you, no matter what the enemy of your souls will do to you. My protective Fatherly hand is always ready to intervene when it means providing help for My child in need. And you are in need when you are afraid, be it physically or spiritually…. you are in need when you are anxious and despondent because you lack the strength of faith that nothing can happen to you as long as you turn to Me and appeal to Me for protection and help.
Yet even if your own common sense keeps telling you this, your heart nevertheless remains scared and sad, and this is where you have to improve matters yourselves…. by establishing your bond with Me as intimately as possible, with your eternal Father Who is just waiting for you to come to Me in heartfelt prayer and confide your worries to Me. I require this sincere devotion to Me in order to provide your heart with the inner calm that is still lacking in you. You have to come to Me with your every concern and in a completely childlike manner appeal to Me for help…. And I will listen and answer your prayer because I love you like a father loves his children. But you often find it so difficult to approach and discuss matters with Me…. you so often remain distant and struggle to cope with your worries although it would be so simple to burden Me with them and free yourselves of them ….
You have a loving Father Who would like to arrange a pleasant earthly life for you if only you would grant him the right to do so by forming a heartfelt bond with Me as a matter of course…. Anyone who is connected to Me will truly no longer suffer hardship; but difficulties arise as soon as you loosen the connection, because I do not tie you to Me but long for your voluntary devotion to Me…. And this is what you should demonstrate through heartfelt love and personal communication by confiding your worries to Me and appealing to Me to take them from you…. Then all you have to do is wait and it will happen as you wish…. all your worries will be taken from you. And you need not even fear if you are besieged by the powers of darkness, for they cannot harm you as long as your will applies to Me, as long as you yearn for Me and the final unity with Me…. And therefore you should only ever question your deep-down desire, and if it applies to Me you can also firmly trust in the fact that My longing for you will not allow Me to abandon you, that I will protect you from every difficulty wherever it may come from…. I want to own you one day and will not allow you to go astray as long as you yourselves also aim for and strive towards Me…. That is why every worry and apprehension is unnecessary…. You belong to Me and shall remain My Own eternally…. Amen
Sunday, January 21, 2007
During the last days Satan will fight by any means so that souls will commit themselves to him and go astray. And his trick is to involve them in error, to let them believe that they are on the right path, and yet to entangle their paths such that they do not notice that they will lead into the abyss, because they do not really desire to take the path of ascent. People are satisfied with being told that ‘the path is ascending….’ but they do not pay attention to it themselves or they would certainly notice that it is descending. And he uses many means for deception, all divert from the truth, all are but a tangle of fraud yet so well camouflaged that a person has to be attentive as not to be taken in by him. And he deems the mother of Jesus to be the best means, which he first puts into the forefront of people so that they, due to their veneration and glorification, forget their real purpose of earthly life: to attain the bond with Jesus Christ Himself, which is the only guarantee for the person’s salvation of soul…. Thus people carry out an apparently righteous act of love for the mother of Jesus, but Satan’s intended result is less love for the divine Redeemer Himself, Who more or less takes second place.
But a lifetime on earth is too short to take detours in order to reach the goal, and people who do not take refuge with Jesus every hour of the day take long diversions…. The contact with Him is so extremely important that it cannot be established often enough, and for this reason alone every glorification of the mother of God means a deviation from the actual objective of life to establish this very contact, on which a person’s salvation of soul depends. And thus it is this bond which God’s adversary tries to prevent by all means, and he succeeds best by turning people’s thoughts towards Mary. He is able to do so through unusual apparitions initiated by himself, but he makes himself visible in the guise of an angel of light to people who are particularly suited to perceive psychic phenomena. Through these apparitions he predicts forthcoming events to people, which he indeed knows will happen, and thus he creates an impression of credibility even though it is a strategy of disguise in order to cause even greater confusion. He will always wrap himself in the cloak of mystery, always making claims about concealed things, always prohibiting public disclosure, because then his fraudulence could be revealed…. He will only ever provide veiled information because he lacks precise knowledge, but in bright moments even he occasionally recognises the seriousness of the times when he himself will also be dealt with….
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Anyone who rejects the Word of God in spiritual arrogance when it is offered to him through My servants on earth will be seriously accountable for it one day, since it is not spiritual inability to be able to recognise something bright but it is a rejection due to dishonourable motives supported by My adversary’s influence. ‘Spiritual arrogance’ excludes all scrutiny, spiritual arrogance is an obvious sign that the person is subject to dark influences, for spiritual arrogance is the distinctive mark of the one who opposes Me because he refuses to acknowledge Me. Spiritual arrogance of the first-fallen spirit resisted and rejected the light which permeated him, therefore utter darkness engulfed him. Hence the human being will remain in spiritual darkness when he arrogantly rejects the light again, when My grace wants to emanate it in order to provide a glimmer of enlightenment to his heart…. But the reason for refusal is important, for it can also be rejected due to other reasons which cannot be as condemned as this very arrogance of a human being.
And one can speak of spiritual arrogance when a person believes that he needs no further instructions, that he has sufficient spiritual education, when he overestimates his own knowledge and therefore believes not to need additional information. However, even then the human being should still be prepared to examine what he is offered. If he still maintains his will with conviction and rejects it again then his verdict will not be as severe, then he lacks judgment due to spiritual blindness…. If, however, he omits all scrutiny then the human being’s blatant rejection will repel My offered hand of grace and the responsibility will hit him hard one day, for one day he will realise the truth, and then it might be too late….
No one can be forcibly persuaded to accept My Word but everyone will sooner or later have the opportunity to seriously deal with questions of doubt, for I place such doubts into the hearts of those who are not yet on the right path. All people should, in fact, form an opinion about such questions, they would only derive benefit from it, for they will certainly receive clarification providing they genuinely desire it. But then it will show whether the person seriously desires the truth…. for it will indeed be offered to him. Spiritual arrogance, however, will instantly reject it because this is My adversary’s will and his determination will be fulfilled by those of like spirit.
Arrogance caused the fall of the former being of light, and arrogance is therefore also his supporters’ nature which unmistakably characterises them as his followers. And a big step has to be taken, the human being’s nature has to seriously try to change itself.... the person has to step down from arrogance into humility and thus completely detach himself from My adversary and approach Me with utter humbleness…. Only then will a light shine into the person’s heart, and only then will he be able to recognise the precious gift of grace which My Word represents to every person and his soul’s salvation. Only then will he gratefully accept what the Father’s love offers to His child…. Then he will hunger for food and drink yet also be constantly satisfied by My love…. Amen
Friday, January 19, 2007
Therefore, you who endeavour to live a life of love need not fear the hour of death, for it will only mean an entry into another world for you, and you will gladly leave earth and exchange its domain with the kingdom of light and blissfulness. You will cross over in peace and harmony of soul, you will not have to pass through any darkness but in a garment of light may enter the kingdom which belongs to Me and promises you glories which you have never seen or experienced before. For if you have found Jesus Christ He will lead you into His kingdom Himself…. into the kingdom which is not of this world…. Amen
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Where is your path leading to if you have not chosen Me as your leader?.... This is what you should ask yourselves time and again and desire nothing other than My becoming your leader, to Whom you can entrust yourselves and safely walk by His hand through earthly life. And truly, you will always be led correctly, you will not take wrong paths and distance yourselves from the goal, you will always take the right paths by which you can reach the heavenly kingdom, for then you will be travelling the path to the Father’s house, to your eternal home. But you have to request My leadership.... I won’t impose Myself on you, I will not try to influence you against your will to take or avoid these or those paths…. I want to be asked to be your leader always and everywhere …. I want you to appeal to Me that I should guide and lead you across all uneven paths, and I want you to entrust yourselves to My guidance without resistance, that you will follow Me on the path which I precede in order to guide you to the eternal home. For only one path is leading to it, which is steep and requires exertion, it necessitates strength, a firm staff and support for your safe passage….
Just let Me always be your leader and you will soon be incapable of going wrong, you will not need to worry that the path will lead you astray or become impassable for you and your failing strength…. If I precede you, you can follow without worry, for I know the best way to the goal, and I will truly shorten the path for you, clear it of all obstructions, carry you across all obstacles and always take you by the hand so that you will reach the goal safely and without harm. But you have to entrust yourselves to Me without reservation, you must not hesitate or fear to be guided wrongly, for you will never be able to find a better leader than Me in earthly life, regardless of how many loyal friends you find amongst your fellow human beings, but they nevertheless don’t all know the path of ascent which leads to Me…. And this is why you should always just keep to Me, but then don’t worry any longer, for once you entrust yourselves to Me I will reward your confidence and take you into My protective care on your earthly course of life. And you will barely notice your progress, for walking next to Me also means receiving My strength, being able to hold you by My hand and thus effortlessly covering the ascent, on account of which you live on earth. For this path has to lead upwards. As long as you walk on even ground, your path is not the right one, since your goal is up above and accordingly it also requires strength, which you can always receive from Me if you have chosen Me as your leader for your earthly course of life.
Yet this life is hard if you walk alone or give My adversary the right to join you, who will know only too well how to embellish the path and fill it with temptations, so that you won’t notice that it does not lead upward but into the abyss…. Then you will be in great danger, for you will prolong your path of return to Me or make it entirely impossible, for I cannot be found below, and the path that is leading through lovely meadows, which is easy and travelled by the children of the world, is not leading to Me but inevitably into the abyss, from where it is incredibly difficult to ascend and will take an endlessly long period of time again. Nevertheless, you have to choose the leader yourselves; you need only ask Me to assume guidance over your earthly life, and I will be with you and displace the other one, when you wants to join you. For if you call upon Me as your leader you will also be relieved from all responsibility, then I will act on your behalf and direct and lead you on the right paths, so that you will safely reach your goal: that you will return to Me in your true home, that you will enter into your Father’s house where I Am waiting for you in order to unite with you again for all eternity…. Amen
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Observe all questions arising within you and watch your thoughts corresponding to these questions…. but prior to such thoughts you should always enter into a heartfelt dialogue with your eternal God and Father …. As soon as you contact Me in thought or in prayer and commend your guidance to Me, as soon as you consciously present your questions to Me, you will also receive the answer, for I want you to become enlightened about all issues that occupy your mind. And thus I want you to know that you never need to fear acting against My will as long as you hand everything over to Me.... as long as your will predominantly wants to work according to My will. Then I will also bless everything you undertake in this resolve.
Nowadays addressing people in a remarkable way is not very successful, irrespective of whether I speak Myself from above or through you, My servants on earth…. People do not want to hear what would benefit them spiritually; as a result they reject everything which could disturb their worldly pleasures. In contrast, those who have already received information and knowledge about the things they now hear in total clarity from you can be inspired to greater spiritual activity …. But the world itself will make sure that people are informed about unusual things in the universe, and then there is still time to draw their attention to the spiritual correlation, the success of which again only depends on people’s will, for no human being shall be condemned, no human being shall become subject to compulsory faith, which is always a danger when they are offered obvious proof where faith alone should speak.